The least visited countries in the world

While some countries are choking on the influx of tourists, others do not consider tourist attractions or holiday destinations.

Tourism becomes more and more desirable every year: people travel worldwide, visiting even the most remote corners of the planet. Many are ready to fly to the ends of the world for new experiences. But there are still countries that are not easy to reach: because of a strict visa policy, political stability, terrorist threat, or geographic location

1. Marshall Islands

The Pacific state, consisting of more than a thousand separate islands, was named after the English navigator John Marshall, who discovered it at the end of the 18th century.

Most of the population are skilled fishermen and sailors, as their earnings depend on the sea. The Marshall Islands are doing a lot to protect the ocean and even establish the world’s largest shark sanctuary. The locals are especially fond of Americans, who do not even need to worry about changing money since the US dollar is the national currency.

Unfortunately, close relations with the United States have not always played a positive role for the Marshall Islands: it was here that the most extensive US nuclear tests in history took place. However, radioactivity is not the only problem, as the islands a constantly threatened by flooding due to climate change. If glaciers continue to dissolved and sea levels rise, the Marshall Islands could disappear from the face of the earth.

2. Sao Tome and Principe

Sao Tome and Principe is the least visited country on the black continent. It is a small island nation in the Gulf of Guinea off the Atlantic coast of Central Africa, 225 km west of Gabon. Portuguese colonialists discovered the islands at the end of the 15th century and adapted the local land for sugar cultivation. In the 19th century, the need for sugar began to decline, and then coffee and cocoa plantations began to appear throughout the island, bringing huge profits to the Europeans. Although the independence of Sao Tome and Principe achieve in 1975, democratic reforms were not initiated until the final 1980s, and the first free elections were held in 1991.

3. Libya

Although Libya is the 17th largest country globally with a rich history and distinctive culture, tourists are in no hurry to visit it. Libya is plagued by a US-backed civil war, with frequent clashes throughout the country, with attacks by armed groups occurring almost anywhere, even affecting hotels hosting tourists.

Libya’s climate can repel travelers as much as terrorist threats: 90% of the territory is desert. Milder weather is typical only for the northern regions of the Mediterranean. For those tourists who dare to come to Libya, a unique historical heritage will open up. Leptis Magna, east of Tripoli, was a central city in Libya and can still be seen today with magnificent ancient ruins. Cyrene, near the Libyan town of Shahhat, was founded by the Greeks in 631 BC. and is still a famous archaeological site.

4. Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan is the most mysterious country in the post-Soviet space, close to the entire outside world. Its territory is 80% of the Karakum Desert, so the population density is extremely low. Historically, the Turkmens led a nomadic lifestyle, and only in the last century urbanization began here.

The main reason for such a low tourist flow in Turkmenistan is the difficulty of obtaining a visa. Sometimes you have to ask for permission several times, and very rarely, migration services give a positive answer. Even the presence of relatives does not guarantee that you will be able to apply for a visa.

5. Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea, divided into the mainland and five volcanic islands (the most popular of Bioko Island), is known for its beautiful white-sand beaches. Picturesque nature and breathtaking landscapes with magnificent volcanoes and virgin jungle are the main tourist attractions.

Equatorial Guinea’s rainforests are home to numerous endangered primates and sea turtles nest on the beaches.

6. Nauru

The small country is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean covers 21 km2 and has fewer than 10,000 inhabitants. Only one airline serves the country (with old Boeing 737s), and tourist infrastructure such as hotels and restaurants is pathetically lacking.

The country is currently experiencing a crisis in the economy, but the island still retains a particular tourist attraction. The stormy surf, the sparkling spray of which surrounds the coastline, the seabirds soaring over the green inland cliffs, the picturesque beaches are an all breathtaking sight.

7. Kiribati

An extremely geographically isolated country, Kiribati covers only 811 km2, but the state itself consists of numerous islands scattered over an area of 3.5 km2. The country’s territory is notable for its unique beauty, preserved primarily due to its inaccessibility. You can get here through Nauru or the Marshall Islands, from where flights fly to South Tarawa, the capital of Kiribati.

8. Tuvalu

As one of the most minor and most far-off countries globally, Tuvalu remains a highly underestimated tourist destination. To get there, you will have to board one of Fiji Airways, which flies there twice a week. Sometimes a cargo ship (which is twice the size of a passenger ship) runs between Fiji and Tuvalu.

Tuvalu is an excellent diving destination with its wide variety of marine life. There are nine beautiful coral atolls, numerous reefs, lagoons, and small islands, so it won’t take you a month to explore the local marine life. Once the tourist is ready to step ashore, he can plunge into Polynesia’s distinctive and friendly culture, with its unique crafts, music, dance, art, and stories.

9. Somalia

In connection with armed conflicts between the government and terrorist groups (including Al-Shabab, associated with Al-Qaeda), tourists do not recommend traveling to Somalia. But Somalia has not always been synonymous with devastation and anarchy: Europeans have chosen its magnificent nature with sparkling waterfalls, mountain ranges, and national parks even in the colonial period. Wild areas are home to much rare wildlife: lions, cheetahs, leopards, and ostriches. In addition, on the African continent, Somalia has the longest coastline, with countless beaches waiting for tourists.

10. South Sudan

South Sudan, recently seceded from Sudan, is one of the youngest countries in the world and is still experiencing constant internal wars and conflicts, driven mainly by its ethnic and religious diversity. But despite the peculiar political atmosphere, those few tourists who dare to come to South Sudan celebrate the exceptional local hospitality. With a rich cultural history, South Sudan also boasts excellent cuisine influenced by Turkish, Egyptian, and Ethiopian traditions.

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