The longest sea bridge in the world will open next week

The longest sea bridge in the world will open officially next week. The 55-kilometer-long masterpiece connects Hong Kong with Macau, another large Chinese city.
Construction started in 2009, but has been delayed. On Tuesday, the long-awaited opening ceremony is scheduled in Zhuhai, a city in Guangdong.
The bus service that will take care of the connection, however, still knows nothing. “So soon? And without extra information? How can we then make proper preparations? This will cause a lot of chaos for our passengers”, it sounds from the mouth of spokesman Eddie Choi.
The bridge will limit travel time by half an hour. Until now, the ferry was the only way to travel from Hong Kong to Macau and Zhuhai. That journey takes an hour.
The enormous construction is part of the plan to better connect eleven cities in the Pearl River Delta. About 68 million people live in that urban area.