The most slogan of 2018: ‘We do women, but do not cut them’

Barbier Rogier, who cuts men and boys in Laren in North Holland, may call himself the proud owner of the worst slogan in the Netherlands. The slogan ‘We do women, but do not cut them’ was the best appreciated during the election of
Rogier defeated slogans such as ‘Do not pee yourself, call Ronald Schutte!’ from the Dordrecht plastering and painting company Schutte and ‘For every little one an Aarts W.C’the’ from the Eindhoven company Aarts Sanitair Service.
From 7 to 13 December, people could vote for ten nominated slogans from the jury of A total of 14,328 votes were cast. The winner of the election will soon receive the Blue Tile of the platform. Last year the slogan ‘From head to butt, sausage in the mouth’ won the sausage rolls from Mill’s mill De Korenbloem.