Professional athletes may be the happiest individuals on the planet. They do what they love, have a huge fan base, and make a lot of money. Perhaps movie stars or musicians, artists or authors – in general, individuals who have turned their passion into a career, people who do what they love for a living.
Unfortunately, they account for just a small percentage of the working population. Others either openly despise their jobs or pretend that everything is OK and that sitting in an office, moving papers, and accepting phone calls is the best job in the world. It is preferable to sit in an office than to dismantle ships by hand for the metal in Bangladesh or dive into tight gold wells in the Philippines. But better isn’t always better, and here’s the reality of your office job.
You could do this job in the comfort of your own home
Most (if not all) of the work you perform in the workplace could very certainly be done from home. It isn’t easy to think of an office task that can’t be converted to work remotely. Taking orders over the phone or via the mail, making calls, counseling customers, filling out ‘cards’ for websites, managing paperwork, looking for information, and writing about anything may all be done from the comfort of your own home.
When you need to meet someone in person, you’ll need to be present at work. Everyone realizes this, yet it is nevertheless done at the workplace because it is usual. And, of course, out of distrust.
Most companies feel that their employees will put in a lot of effort only while in the office and that if they are remote, they will cease working completely. Such employers are likely to mix up cause and effect: the better a person does their job, the more pleasant the working circumstances and encouragement they get, rather than more restrictive frameworks and limits. Where is there more control? Almost every nation in the world utilizes jail labor – where is there greater control? However, their output is consistently poor.
You are obligated to do nothing
You’re busy not working from time to time. This may seem extremely comforting: you work just a few hours a day and get paid to do anything you want the rest of the time. ‘Practically’ is the important word here. You can sit in whichever chair you like and sip coffee for free if you’re fortunate. If you smoke, you may take the elevator to the smoking area and then walk back to avoid the office walls for longer. You have access to a computer at work, and you can play a basic game right in your browser.
In actuality, it’s all been in my thoughts for quite some time. This near-freedom to do practically anything while at work is quite comparable to a caged pet guinea pig’s ‘freedom.’ It enjoys itself as well. Consider how much time is wasted on absolutely pointless pursuits. Day after day, it went on like this.
Your biorhythms are irrelevant
You will be considerably more effective if you consider your particular biorhythms. Individuals have diverse schedules; not everyone works a 24-hour day, and only a few people can be productive on an eight-hour workday. Not to mention the fact that it might take up to ten hours or more.
Although one might look at it in a different manner, if a person is left without a rigorous work schedule, his sleep routine is easily thrown off. On the other hand, he or she may recuperate and return to normal. Your sleep and wakefulness patterns will ‘float,’ only sometimes contacting the norm.
Many individuals would want to work at night or according to their own unique schedule. Others go to work at 8 a.m., some go early and go to work at 10 a.m., while others prefer to work at night or according to their own unique schedule. Who cares, though? Nobody, and especially not your superiors.
Salary is low; bosses are high
Low compensation is a good way to describe motivation: strive, work hard, and you’ll get what you want. There are even two thousand more! It’s not difficult to assume that it has nothing to do with motivation and everything to do with an excess of individuals willing to take your job for the money if required.
We all, in essence, live under the rule of the majority, which is always orthodox. Most people are willing to work for little pay while undertaking a monotonous or difficult job, sometimes both simultaneously.
The supervisors like to repeat phrases like “no one is essential” and “why reinvent the wheel” in response to your requests and recommendations. There’s little you can do about it: the bosses are typically made up of the same majority,’ and they’ve learnt their lesson and rules, sat in the office long enough, and been rewarded with their own cubicle. Your bosses want you to go your own way – to sit quietly and follow orders.