7 common mistakes in a video call job interview

Are you planning a job interview via video call soon? Then pay close attention. You want to avoid these mistakes in such a meaningful conversation.

Thanks to corona, the development towards ‘remote’ working has accelerated. Even if we finally say goodbye to COVID-19, we will probably continue to work from home a lot. These tips for a job interview via video call will come in handy now and in the future.

As if a job interview wasn’t exciting enough, a job interview via Teams or Zoom also brings other challenges.

Mistakes during a video call job interview

Avoid these seven mistakes when interviewing on Teams or Zoom. You better be well prepared.

1. Do not test your microphone and camera

You can do your best to appear professional; if your microphone or camera works poorly or not at all, you destroy everything. Especially if you are not familiar with a specific video call app (for example, you always use Teams and not Zoom), it is good to test the program beforehand with your partner or a friend.

You can also practice the job interview right away so that you go into that interview more confidently.

2. Too dark environment

Of course, it may be a dark gray day, but that is no reason to sit in the dark. Your conversati on partner thinks it is essential to “meet” you online; otherwise, he or she would have asked for a telephone conversation. Dark day? Make sure you turn on a light.

3. Wrong outfit

This is a mistake you can always make, but it is easy to make now that you have been working from home in less professional clothing for 1.5 years. Try to match your outfit with the employer. For example, when you apply for a job at a creative start-up, a stiff suit and tie will not fit. Are you unsure about your outfit? In general, it’s better to be overdressed than underdressed in a job interview.

Here are a few more clothing tips specifically for a video-call job interview:

  • Wear pants (yes, really). You never know when you might have to get up during the conversation.
  • Avoid stripes and patterns that can look trippy on camera.
  • The color of your clothes is also essential. Often bright colors don’t work very well, but also avoid the same color as your background.

4. You ignore non-verbal communication

How many times have you caught yourself looking at yourself during a video call? Don’t worry; you’re not narcissistic; it’s very human to want to know if you come across as good to others. It’s one of the reasons Zoom meetings can be so grueling.

But during the conversation, you want to appear interested. You guessed it, staring at yourself doesn’t help, just like touching your hair or clothing, for example, and looking at something next to or below the screen.

5. You are not smiling

A recruiter or HR manager not only looks at your knowledge and skills but also at your personality. And unfortunately, that can be lost very quickly during a job interview via a video call. Just something as simple as a (smile) smile now and then can make a world of difference and make you look less like a robot.

6. You don’t have a neat background

It feels like a no-brainer but is worth mentioning nonetheless. Remember that employers look at how you might come across to customers and colleagues. Therefore, ensure that the background is as neutral as possible without clutter, clothing, and, for example, your bed.

Of course, you can always use a background that makes it look like you’re in an office, but let’s be honest: too often technology fails when you move, which can be distracting. According to Forbes, this is a turn-off for HR managers and recruiters.

7. You talk through your conversation partner

Due to the delay in a video call, it is effortless to talk through your conversation partner accidentally. Of course, you don’t want that in a job interview. Therefore, always wait before talking until you are sure that the other person has finished speaking. This has an additional advantage: it gives you some time to think about your answer

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