These are four reflexes that you should never repress!

The body needs to push back some internal elements to be at the top of its operation. But sometimes it is difficult to perform some reflexes useful to our body, either by shame or because of prejudices.

If you have to sneeze, cough, or go to the bathroom, do it without holding yourself back because these actions are life-saving for yourself. These are the actions that we repress and that are devastating for us according to the doctors


Many people find it silly to sneeze in public, and therefore try to repress this reflex. But when your body needs to get out of the air at 160 km/h, blocking the process is not at all a good idea. If you restrain yourself, you may have an influx of air in your ear, which can seriously damage your eardrum.


The stool evacuates waste ingested during our meals and which our body does not need. If you hold back, this can disrupt the absorption of nutrients because they are blocked by waste. You may suffer from constipation, flatulence, hemorrhoids, stomachaches, and even vomiting and bleeding.


You begin to understand: when something wants to go out, you have to let it out. And yes, we never cough without reason. If you catch a cold, you will cough to release the overflow of mucus contained in the lungs. Because only by doing this can you breathe again.


Many people with a so-called “weak bladder” want to practice restraining themselves when they feel like urinating. But it can cause pain, nausea, cramps, and even kidney damage. If you think you are going to the bathroom too often, this is not necessarily a medical problem.

Some people have a small bladder, which can hold only 200ml of liquid, against 400 to 500 ml on average. In case of doubt and worry, you can always consult a urologist.

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