These are some behavior strategies that will destroy a good friendship

Friendship relationships are fragile because their quality and strength depend on the intentions and actions of two people. If one person begins to behave neglectfully, allow themselves to be disrespected, or demonstrate to their friend that they do not value communication with them, the friendship starts to crumble.
Of course, people who don’t want to lose touch with each other can understand and forgive many things. But still, some things will inevitably lead to the breakdown of even the longest and best relationships.
Here are a few behavioral strategies you should give up if you don’t want to risk communication with your close friends.
5 Behavior strategies that will destroy a good friendship
1. The desire to compete

When friendship becomes a competition, both friends lose the most important thing on which their relationship is based – the eagerness to support each other in every endeavor. Instead, the desire to show that you are better, innovative, robust, etc., comes to the forefront.
The constant race for superiority in any sphere – career, relationships, hobbies, sports – leaves no room for mutual support and help. In such a tense atmosphere, you perceive every act and every word of each other as an attempt to show your superiority.
As a result, one of you will feel unappreciated and feel that he can no longer trust the person he used to consider a close friend. There is no room for bitter fighting in friendship.
As soon as you start to see each other not as allies but as opponents, you can end your relationship. The only way to change this scenario is for each of you to work on your self-esteem.
2. Constant criticism

Understandably, close people can criticize each other. However, this should only happen in business when you have something to say and consider it essential to voice your thoughts.
If critical remarks become integral to your friendly dialogue, you have chosen the wrong vector of relationship development. Constant remarks and reproaches cause a feeling of insecurity in yourself and your actions, leading to the fact that a person ceases to evaluate himself objectively, has lower self-esteem, and has other related problems.
This does not fit into the concept of friendship because friends should support and inspire each other and not engage in constant criticism. Plenty of people around want to say something unpleasant to your friend. Leave it to strangers, and you should adopt a different model of behavior—a supportive one.
Remember: if one person in a friendship constantly feels wrong, sooner or later, he will begin to distance himself and seek understanding elsewhere, inevitably leading to a breakup.
3. Dishonesty
Friendship does not tolerate insincerity – deceit, concealment, understatement, etc. Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship. When one of the friends starts hiding the truth or outright lying, it undermines trust and creates doubts about the sincerity of the friendship as a whole.
Thoughts arise about how many more secrets a person may be hiding and whether they are honest. It is worth considering that any lie is sooner or later revealed. No matter how carefully you or your friend did not think through their words and actions, just one small detail can break, and it is the perfect plan.
And after the deception becomes known, the one who believes in it will feel betrayed and humiliated. Instead of sincerity, a wall of mistrust and mutual suspicion will grow between you.
4. Envy

Envy is one of the most unpleasant emotions that can destroy even the most vital friendship. When one person is jealous of another person’s successes, achievements, or talents, their relationship becomes strained, and trust is lost.
The envious person may begin to devalue the friend’s achievements or, conversely, exaggerate his or her own. Such behavior will inevitably lead to conflict and mutual resentment.
The strength of friendship lies in its sincerity, in the ability of two people to enjoy each other’s successes as if they were their own. Once you give in to feelings of envy, your relationship becomes shaky.
Sooner or later, there will come a moment when you can no longer pretend, and then the person will see how you feel about his achievements. In this case, trust will be shaken; the friend will no longer want to share his successes with you, as he will feel guilty or expect you to fake happiness.
Constantly comparing yourself to your friend and not wanting to rejoice in the pleasant events happening in his life will gradually destroy the very foundation of your friendship.
5. Ignoring
Ignoring each other’s needs and feelings also kills trusting relationships. Mutual attention and care are important in friendship. Without these components, you can only be called good acquaintances or mates, but nothing more.
When someone close to you has something going on, you have to be there for them, literally or figuratively. Even if you are far from each other now, it doesn’t mean you can ignore your friends’ problems and worries. You can write or call, offer as much help as possible, or listen to what is troubling a person. And such support will be appreciated.
When one person in a friendship begins to show indifference and is not interested in the other’s life and experiences, it causes a sense of needlessness and loneliness. Such an attitude can be perceived as indifference or arrogance, eventually destroying even the strongest friendships.