These principles of a rich life are available to everyone?

In our world, not everyone has a place in the sun or can become rich. Some lack the skills and knowledge to make enough money. Others have an impressive amount of money in their accounts but pay too high a price for it.

More often than not, however, a person simply has no idea what a rich life is, so they are chasing a phantom.

5 principles of a rich life, available to everyone

1. Wealth isn’t just measured in money

People who aspire to a rich life often form ideas about it based on articles from business publications, film images, and stereotypes. Thus, they form a wrong or incomplete understanding.

The goal becomes the very process of chasing after big money, which is perceived as an obligatory element. Often, this path leads to a dead end, adorned with handmade décor from world-renowned craftsmen.

Imagine a person with several tens of millions in his account but has to spend 12-15 hours daily at work. Business, investments, or just a high position do not allow him to leave for a long time.

He has an expensive car, a spacious house, and a new iPhone, but not freedom, and personal relationships are held on money, not love.

Big money itself does not make life rich and does not bring happiness and fullness of feelings, although it can buy short-term joy.

You can also find exactly the opposite story, where a person with a slightly above-average salary lives quite richly and happily because he or she has found a balance and got everything he or she needs.

Simply put, to live richly, you need certain things and emotions. These should become the concrete goal, not the bank account numbers.

2. Design your lifestyle

There are two basic strategies for life planning. The first relies on where a person wants to go, and the second indicates the direction in which a person can move.

There is a significant difference between the two. One looks for opportunities for growth, while the other adjusts to available resources, such as salary, free time, or learned skills.

Engaging in long-term planning based on realistic desires rather than existing reality. Especially if it does not fit the notion of a rich life, the easiest place to start is to estimate the size of the useless expenses.

Any person with an average salary can spend a little less without going to bread and water or wearing rags. In other words, you have access to savings that will almost not impact your standard of living but will allow you to save.

Having saved up a certain amount of money, put it to work. Even a deposit in a bank will be better than keeping it under the mattress. The point is to create passive income and gradually increase its volume.

In addition, it is essential to pay attention to your lifestyle. For example, a 20-year mortgage or early marriage could be insurmountable barriers if you dream of being a digital nomad.

3. Spend less than you earn

This is the main and most obvious rule that most people ignore. We live in a consumer society where everyone wants to consume as much as everyone else, even if they cannot afford it.

Some people prefer to borrow from acquaintances; others turn to banks. One way or another, 78% of the population lives from paycheck to paycheck. Almost half of them have debts in one form or another.

The constant presence of debts becomes a habit, forming a way of life. Thus, a once free person turns into a ‘perpetual debtor.’ Chances are you are familiar with such people.

In the context of the ‘rich life,’ they are the ultimate poor, caught in total dependence on external factors. They will never escape the hole again because they consider their situation normal.

Try never to have debts and even fewer consumer loans. Remember that life is full of surprises. That’s why you need a safety cushion.

Develop the habit of leaving at least a little money until your next salary. Gradually, these leftovers will become an amount that can be used for something important and big.

4. Invest more

The sooner and more you start investing, the better. Of course, you should approach the issue with a sober mind. It is impossible to get 300% per annum; such offers come only from crooks.

Reduce your appetite, and accept reality. If you manage to earn passive income more than the bank offers, consider yourself a success.

However, investments are not necessarily related to earning or keeping what you have. Investing in yourself is equally important. Take care of your health always, not only when something bothers you.

Take refresher courses and learn the necessary skills to fulfill your long-term plans. If the opportunity presents itself and looks favorable, buy someone else’s time with your own money.

Investing in yourself will definitely not go anywhere. You will retain the acquired knowledge and skills. The main thing is to find a way to use them; otherwise, you’ll end up with pointless hoarding.

5. Plan for the future and act in the present

Without planning, a rich life is impossible, but it is important not to get stuck in thinking and not to try to layer the future on top of the present. Dreams about how you will spend huge sums of money in 5 or 10 years may remain unfulfilled. It’s not a plan of action; it’s just a fantasy.

One of the most popular tips says you should live like a rich person now, even if you are not rich. It’s quite a dangerous game that can ruin the present and the future. You should rather think like a rich person but continue to live within your means.

Remember that consistent actions in the present shape your theoretically rich future. A fantastic future will not come suddenly, nor will a special day change everything dramatically. There is a lot of work to be done, consisting of thousands of small steps.

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