Things worth doing if you can’t be strong in difficult times

Some people are naturally strong and can easily overcome any obstacles. But they can also feel how life knocks them down and presents unpleasant surprises that are difficult to handle. And that’s okay. We can’t always be strong — sometimes, we must give ourselves freedom and feel negative emotions boiling in our souls.
Unfortunately, there is not always time to freeze and give yourself a break because you need to do so many things and not forget about the goals you set. Here are a few things to do if you can’t be strong in difficult times.
8 Things worth doing if you can’t be strong in difficult times
1. Accept the negative experience for what it is

Sometimes, a negative situation is just a set of unfortunate circumstances. They make it seem terrible and can feel like an endless storm without the hope of improving the weather. You should not force yourself to look for positivity where there is none. It’s okay to let negative experiences stay negative. You don’t have to pretend all the time that everything is fine and smile when you want to furrow your brows. It’s essential to allow yourself to accept an unpleasant experience for what it is and process it emotionally.
However, preventing yourself from catastrophizing and getting stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts is equally important. Try to look at the situation from the point of view of a viewer who is watching a drama in a cinema. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M .For the full article. Empathize with yourself as the main character, identify the problems that need to be solved, and give yourself time to relive the moments when you feel terrible.
2. Remember that some situations are beyond your control
People who are going through difficult times may unwittingly deny the fact that trouble happened to them. And then, they try to take responsibility for the situation, even if it is beyond their control. Imagine that your loved one is depressed and goes to the hospital because his condition is severe. It’s an unpleasant experience that makes you think, “I haven’t been around him often enough,” “I could have done more for him,” “I should have gotten him to seek help before things got so bad.”
Feeling guilty can get you stuck in a cycle of trying to take responsibility for another person’s condition. The problem is that it’s out of your control. Mental illness can manifest itself in a variety of ways and sometimes even go unnoticed by others.
There are many examples of depressed people who seem to be the most cheerful and companionable, so their loved ones don’t suspect anything about what’s going on in their hearts. Understand that not all life situations are your responsibility and can be controlled by you. It is essential to accept reality for what it is and not deny what is happening or take on too much if you want to wallow in problems and solve them.
3. Focus on what you can do

Even in chaos, you can find what you can control. For example, if you’ve lost your job and your future looks shaky, you can improve your life. Yes, you can’t influence your boss’s decision, but you can control things like resumes on job search sites, applying to the bank for a loan deferral, etc. Even when you feel exhausted, finding a thread of what you can control and grab onto it is essential. The burden of life’s challenges is much easier to bear when you have at least one thing you can control.
4. Keep taking care of yourself
Being strong is very hard. At such moments, it’s easy to focus on overcoming problems, completely forgetting about taking care of yourself. In addition, in difficult times, you feel that you do not deserve anything good or feel a significant guilt. Worry, feeling like you’re not doing enough, shame—all these emotions keep you from caring for yourself. But this is a big mistake.
Whatever the reason, punishing yourself won’t help you. On the contrary, it will only aggravate negative emotions and make you feel even weaker. Try to maintain self-care habits, even when life seems to be falling apart. They help to keep anxiety under control and get at least a minimum of pleasant emotions. Make self-care simple, clear, and easy, even if it involves taking a shower and wearing clean clothes daily. It can help you stay afloat.
5. Change your priorities to work on the problem

Bad situations can be unsettling and blur priorities. For example, you might spend much time escaping, watching TV, or focusing on hobbies instead of solving a problem. Shifting priorities to what needs to be resolved and focusing on it helps you feel that you are not powerless in the current situation.
This forces you to maintain an attitude of making efforts to solve the problem rather than succumb to defeatist thoughts. Make sure you don’t lose yourself trying to ignore the difficulties. Avoid tedious social media scrolling, binge-watching TV shows, and other unhealthy coping mechanisms. These actions only increase negative emotions and worsen the situation.
6. Ask for help and support
Not all problems can be overcome on your own. Sometimes, you must ask for help and support from others to bear the emotional burden. It’s easier said than done, especially if you’re not used to relying on someone other than yourself.
But you still need to overcome the habit of “Myself,” especially if you can’t stay strong. Seek help from your family, friends, a psychologist, and other specialists. It doesn’t shame you or make you weak; on the contrary, it helps you stay motivated and go through difficult times without losing your mind.
7. Look for your inner strength

Sometimes, we experience more suffering and struggle than we would like. At such times, it’s helpful to look at past experiences to remind yourself how strong and capable you are. How often have you faced life’s difficulties but survived them, overcame all adversities, and emerged victorious? But you’ve never come face to face with your current volume of problems. In this case, it is necessary to develop thinking aimed at finding solutions rather than dwelling on unpleasant experiences and painful feelings.
8. Remember that everything passes
It’s important to remind yourself that all problems are temporary, no matter how terrible they may seem. By focusing on the thought that they won’t last forever, you avoid sinking into negative emotions and self-pity. This approach can also give you enough strength to survive the troubles. Yes, this approach is not always applicable. But still, it’s worth trying to find or create a little joy in your daily routine so as not to drown in the abyss of difficulties and negativity.