Toddler shoots himself with gun he finds in parents’ bedroom

A two-year-old boy from Jonesboro, a town in the US state of Georgia. Killed himself on Thursday by a bullet from a pistol he had found in his parents’ bedroom. The police reported that to the local media yesterday.
According to Scott Stubbs, the Clayton County Police spokesman, the boy entered the room where his father was sleeping. And found a gun next to the bed. The boy then fired a shot that made him fatal. The spokesman mentioned an “unintended shooting”.
To sleep
The mother was sleeping in another room in the house. The parents of the boy work well with the investigation and it is not yet clear whether an indictment is submitted.
Also, in the city of Birmingham, in the state of Alabama, this week a two-year-old boy was found dead in the apartment where he lived. His great-grandmother said he had found a gun and shot it. But the police have not yet confirmed that hypothesis according to the local news website,
“We call on the population to be careful with weapons, especially if they have children at home,” police officer James Jackson said after the media drama.
In America, one third of households have a weapon at home. According to the Gun Violence Archive website, since the beginning of the year, 586 children aged 0 to 11 have been killed or injured by bullets.