Trump has met two corona-infected people

US President Donald Trump met a second person last weekend who later tested positive for the coronavirus. The White House doctor brought that out. According to Dr. Sean Conley, Trump does not need to be tested or quarantined.

Trump had dinner last Saturday with Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro and a communications officer of his. He turned out to be infected with the lung virus. Bolsonaro also did a test, but he doesn’t have the virus, it turned out Friday.

Trump has met two corona-infected people
©AP – The memo describing the President’s contacts with infected individuals.

One of the other guests that Trump had contact with now appears to have the coronavirus. According to Conley, it was only a brief meeting, and Trump’s risk of infection is minimal. Even though the contact with the second person lasted longer than with the first, the doctor sees no reason for the President to isolate himself.

Nationwide coronavirus screening website

Contrary to what US President Donald Trump said on Friday, Google is not working on a nationwide website that helps people assess they need a corona test, according to the reports of the technology medium ‘The Verge’. Trump made the statements at a news conference on fighting the lung virus.

Enthusiasm cannot be denied to the President of the United States. If you believe Trump’s words, Google is about to launch a website that all Americans can turn to check if they need a corona test. “Google will develop a website – unlike in the past, it will be done very quickly – to determine if a test is needed and to facilitate testing at a convenient location nearby,” Trump said at the news conference.

“Coverage will be nationwide, including large parts of the world. Okay, maybe not worldwide, but the national coverage will be very good. 1,700 Google engineers are currently working. They have made tremendous progress.”

Drive-in corona test

During the press conference, a White House employee charged with coordinating the fight against Corona even showed a real flowchart. For example, users would know if they need the test within a few minutes and then take the test at a drive-in location.


Unfortunately, there is little evidence to support these claims. Nobody from Google was present at the press conference, but within half an hour, the company announced via Twitter that they are far from ready. The project of Google’s subsidiary ‘Verily’ is said to be in its infancy, and will only be tested in the San Francisco area. The company would like to thank the government for the support it receives from officials for the project.

“Verily is still in its infancy …” Google press statement

Pilot project in California

According to Carolyn Wang, head of communications at Verily, the website will go online in a few days, but will only be available to healthcare workers. These are still “pilot websites” that will initially only be available in the Bay Area, the San Francisco region. Wang hopes that the sites can also be used outside California at a later stage.

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