Trump seems to have problems with stairs and glass of water, Twitter goes wild

The Americans go wild on social media about Donald Trump’s latest speech at West Point military academy. Not so much about what the US President said there, but because of the doubts about his physical behavior.

In particular, the way in which Trump came down after a speech on a staircase next to the podium was, according to critical Twitterers, ‘bizarre’ and even ‘worrying’.

The President seemed to have some difficulty with this, while other authorities took the unfamiliar steps easily. Just before that, he had taken a glass of water with apparent difficulty; the name of the famous General MacArthur seemed to be difficult for him too.


Under the hashtag #TrumpIsNotWell, there is now a lot of speculation about what may be going on with the President, who at least did not make a strong impression. Numerous twitter diagnoses followed, and several doctors also gave their opinion. “Along with other symptoms, this should be enough reason for a brain scan,” said Bandy X. Lee, a psychiatrist at Yale University.

Trump himself felt compelled to respond with a tweet. He said that the stairs were “very long and steep”, that there was no railing and that it was also very slippery. “The last thing I was going to do is “fall” for the Fake News to have fun with,” said the President. “Final ten feet I ran down to level ground.”


While supporters of the President praised him and said, he had done well, social media doubts about Trump’s performance as well as his explanation. In Trump’s style, someone writes, “This was one of the steepest steps in our country’s history. Many people will say that even Evel Knievel (the famous stuntman) wouldn’t have ventured into this.”

The President’s speech does not get off well in the fact check of the New York Times. The critical newspaper found many exaggerations, including that the Islamic State caliphate under Trump is said to have been “100 percent” destroyed. That is ‘playing with words’ because the Islamic State has lost its caliphate, but in recent months it has been active again with attacks and killings in Iraq and Syria, it said.

Trump’s speech was controversial beforehand because the cadets of the West Point had to meet in a risky environment due to corona contamination. They had to be quarantined singularly for that.

Trump seems to have problems with stairs and glass of water, Twitter goes wild

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