Two solar flares observed, what effects on our health or devices?

The strongest this year, two solar flares, happened on Tuesday, 27th of October. The research director of the FIAN solar X-ray astronomy laboratory in Lebedev explained that they were not harmful to health. He added that stronger eruptions were expected in 3 to 4 years.
Two minimal class C flares were recorded on the Sun on Tuesday, 27th of October. According to Sputnik, the head of research at Lebedev’s FIAN Sun X-ray Astronomy Laboratory, Sergei Bogachev, who explained that this should not affect the health of Earthlings or the operation of the devices.
“This year is the year when the solar activity began, growth that will last 11 years. The eruptions were expected to start gradually. The first precursor to the cycle occurred on the 29th of May when two fairly large flares occurred. After that, the Sun calmed down, and it seems that now, for the second time, it is trying to grow; the flares have started. It is possible that more powerful eruptions may occur within the next 24 hours,” he said to Sputnik news.
According to him, there have been two solar flares, one of which is the third in power this year. A trend of increased activity of the star is noticed.
Stronger eruptions expected
But these are not record eruptions, they are 10 to 100 times weaker than those expected in three or four years or during the main phase of the solar cycle.
“In fact, they are this year’s major flares, but not the ones that affect technology or human health,” the expert concluded.