Unusual restaurant inside the Baobab

Baobab in Sunland is the famous giant baobab tree in South Africa. It is one of the largest baobabs on the continent, with a diameter of 33 meters and a height of 20 meters.

The tree is so large that it houses an entire pub and is now one of the most popular attractions in the area. Who doesn’t want a cup of coffee or a glass of beer inside a huge ancient tree?

The Sunland Baobab would not have been specially eviscerated for placement inside a restaurant. The trunk of this remarkable species is naturally hollow. The pub here was founded back in 1933, it is successfully operating in our time.

The Sunland Baobab
The Sunland Baobab. Photo credit: Hannes

The bar has 13 feet of ceilings and can accommodate 15 people. The tree grows on the farm of the Van Hierden family, the family takes good care of it and the surrounding nature. Their main goal is to preserve one of the oldest trees on the planet for posterity.

Inside Sunland Baobab
Inside Sunland Baobab

It is also one of the most beautiful trees on Earth. Studies have shown that the Sunland baobab is more than 6,000 years old, and it is going to live for at least several more millennia. Many tourists always gather here, curiously examining the ancient tree.

Inside Sunland Baobab

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