US send diplomatic message to Iran: “Revenge in a proportional way”

Washington has urged Iran through diplomatic channels to respond “proportionally” to the death of Qassem Soleimani, the leader of the Iranian Quds brigade. According to state media, Iranian commander Ali Fadavi of the Revolutionary Guard has stated this.

Fadavi says that the US had the message delivered to Iran on Friday morning. “If you want to take revenge, do it in a way that is proportional to what we did,” the message said.

The derogatory remarks also reported by Al Jazeera, which include harsh threats.

The Americans are not in a position to decide what the Iranian response will be, Fadavi explains in a response. He states that the US expects tomorrow “strong revenge”, which will not only come from Iran, but also from allies from the Middle East.

“It will take place at the most opportune time and in the best manner possible. Soon, we will see the Americans absent from the region,” the deputy commander added


The communication between the two countries was via Switzerland because the US and Iran do not have diplomatic relations. Switzerland confirms that it forwarded a message from the US to Tehran on Friday, but does not want to say anything about the content of that message.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif had already announced on Friday that Switzerland had conveyed “a ridiculous message from the Americans” through an envoy.

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