Warning signs of the presence of fungi in the body: what to do

If the fungus has entered the human body, getting rid of it is a serious and large-scale task. It is in our power to help strengthen the body and support it to maintain health.
It has long been no secret to anyone that the human body is very strongly influenced from the outside. The general intoxication of the body from malnutrition and stress is intensified by the waste products of parasites and fungi. Many people underestimate the harm that fungi do to the human body. For example, some perceive the most common fungus that affects the nail plate as just an external cosmetic defect! But this is far from the case! Unfortunately, the mycelium (the body of the fungi) often spreads throughout the body, down to the circulatory and lymphatic systems, and can even reach the brain itself.
Each fungus is different to the fungus
Mold is a unifying word; in fact, every fungus is different to a fungus.
- Some fungi affect the lymph nodes in the groin, others under the breast, and still others affect the nail plate and live only on the nails.
- Some affect only the mucous membranes and live in the mouth, in the form of candidiasis and stomatitis, or the vag!na in the form of candidiasis and vaginitis.
- Some fungi affect the skin and live on the skin in the form of cracks, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis …
Having penetrated into the inner space of the human body, pathogenic fungi cause diseases called mycoses (mycosis – fungus). Of these, the most common ones can be distinguished:
- mycoses of the skin (versicolor, psoriasis);
- mycoses of nails (dermatomycosis);
- mycoses of the scalp (piedra, dandruff);
- mycoses of internal organs (candidiasis, the so-called thrush).
How do mushrooms enter the body?
One can single out spoiled food, stale water among the primary sources of infection through which the fungus can enter the human body. So, if there is mold on any fruit, it is no longer possible to eat it! And even if there is mold on one of the fruits lying together, the risk of it on all the others is very high.
Our body has a good defense mechanism against food contamination. It is realized through gastric juice. In theory, the concentration of gastric juice in a healthy body is sufficient to prevent mold from entering the gastrointestinal tract. But, unfortunately, the state of the gastrointestinal tract of a modern person is far from ideal.
Separately, it would help if you highlighted the Candida fungus. Normally, it lives in the colon of every person and participates in various internal processes. In particular, it destroys the remnants of undigested nutrients and removes toxins due to metabolic processes. In addition, it forces the immune system to be on alert at all times; that is, it helps maintain the body’s natural defenses. But this fungus only plays a positive role as long as a healthy microflora balance is maintained in the intestine. If it is violated, this fungus spreads in the body excessively and releases toxins that cause various diseases.
Why is the balance in the human intestine disturbed? The main factor is unhealthy diet, that is, the lack of a sufficient amount of fiber and B vitamins; as well as an abundance of sugar, which is a breeding ground for yeast, various carbohydrates: bread, pasta, yoghurts with additives, sweet non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, confectionery.
Also, the cause of imbalance in the intestines is chronic stress and hormones produced in connection with it. For example, cortisol raises blood sugar levels, which in turn promotes the spread of the fungus.
Mold can invade the body and through the skin. For this, of course, certain conditions are necessary: high humidity, hot temperatures, and the presence of organic residues (dirt or grease), which serve as food for mold, especially simplify the matter. And, of course, direct contact with the source of infection is necessary.
It is especially easy to get infected with a fungal infection through contact with a sick person, through shoes and personal hygiene items, in public baths, saunas, with microtraumas of the skin of various parts of the body. Microtrauma – scratches, diaper rash, damage to the skin – disrupt the skin’s natural protective function, allowing the fungus to penetrate the body and settle in it.
Also, the fungus can be transmitted from mother to fetus through amniotic fluid. A child who becomes infected in this way may be born, for example, with allergies or candidiasis. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to carry out antifungal measures to prevent this.
A common reason for the multiplication of fungi in the body is antibacterial therapy: antibiotics not only destroy pathogenic bacteria but also accelerate fungus development. The risk of fungal infection increases with age, as well as with weakened immunity.
Other factors that favor the growth of fungi:
- birth control pills;
- steroids (prednisone, cortisone);
- hormone replacement therapy;
- chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
- stimulants (alcohol, cigarettes);
- heavy metal poisoning;
- some diagnostic procedures and renal dialysis.
Signs of the presence of fungi in the human body
What signs can indicate the presence of a fungus in the body?
- The presence of itching: primarily of the outer skin, but also, for example, of the inner ear.
- Cracks, blisters, and abrasions – not just blisters from physical action, but abrasions of unknown origin. Anywhere that is peeling, cracking, and soggy at the same time is likely to have a fungal infestation.
- The discharge is white, curd-like – this is also fungus. This discharge can be in the vag!na, or from the bronchi, tonsils, tongue. There should not be a plaque on the tongue – the tongue should be pink with prominent papillae.
- Areas of hypersensitivity. The fungus parasites in the body damage the nerve endings, preventing the person from experiencing pain. In particular, a huge number of nerve endings go to the skin, and without this mechanism, psoriasis-affected skin would be constantly irritated and extremely painful.
What to do with fungal infection?
If the fungus has entered the human body, getting rid of it is a serious and large-scale task.
The first thing to do is to stop the additional intake of fungi into the body, stop eating yeast bread, cheeses, sweets, flour products, and other products that can be a source of infection. Anything that is yeast poses a certain mold hazard to us. At the same time, the yeast is very tenacious and can withstand both very low and very high temperatures.
Thus, if we want our bodies to be free of fungi, we must stop giving them food.
The second is to weaken the fungus with special foods. So, most antiparasitic agents are also antifungal. The following products can be especially highlighted:
- All types of pepper, radish, horseradish, onion, garlic (garlic is a fantastic product, which is the best in the fight against viruses, bacteria, and parasites. It also promotes the elimination of heavy metals).
- All spices: ginger, cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, bay leaf, coriander, nutmeg, etc.
- All sour berries: currants, gooseberries, viburnum, mountain ash, lingonberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn, blueberries, blackberries.
- Sap. Gum is a thick sticky mass that stands out from cuts or cracks in the bark of coniferous trees (cedar, pine, fir, spruce). This substance, flowing out, gradually solidifies and turns into a resin. The resin contains phytoncides, essential oils, and resin acids, which can resist the fungus.
- Pine nut oil, sesame oil, linseed oil. During the period of antimycotic measures, the shock approach is taking 1 teaspoon of oil half an hour before meals, 3 times a day. And if the oil is taken simply for prevention, it is possible once a day, but for a more extended period. In addition, for prevention, you can add 1 teaspoon of such oil to the salad.
- Propolis. You can drink propolis tincture, put propolis in honey, or chew it, keep it in your mouth.
- Clove (spice). It is ground into powder on a coffee grinder (you should not buy already ground cloves) and take a teaspoon with top 2-3 times a day, washed down with warm water, on an empty stomach (at least 30 minutes before meals). The course is 2 weeks.
- Tea tree oil. If there is a strong fungal infection, you can take one drop of this oil, dissolved in any fat, for about two months.
- A fermented milk drinks Kurunga. Kefir can be obtained both under the influence of a fungus and with the help of acidophilic lactic acid bacteria. Such kefir is medicinal. If, for example, you take 10 tablets of kurunga and put them in a liter of natural milk, you will get an excellent product with an antifungal effect because lactic acid bacteria can restore the balance of intestinal microflora and reduce the population of fungi.
Include alkaline treatments. Consistent alkaline body care with general baths and regular foot baths, regular use of “alkaline socks” have a very strong effect on all pathogenic organisms in the human body.
Also, it is important to drink alkaline and daily use up to 1.5 liters of water with mycoses.
It is important not to get hung up on the fight against specific symptoms of the manifestation of fungi but to approach this issue holistically. And this means, first of all, to understand that without changing the general environment in the body, the situation cannot be changed.
If we look inside ourselves, we will see and understand that the internal abilities of our body are very great. It is in our power to help strengthen the body and support it to maintain health. For this, we need our energy, determination, knowledge; we need a lot of faith, a correct way of life, which we will lead every day.