What if you are the last person on earth

Imagine that there is no one else on our planet besides you. What will you do, and most importantly, how will you cope with what you feel?

What thoughts first come to a person when he imagines that he was left alone on the earth? Probably, you can dream up a lot of interesting activities. The whole world is available to you: no need to work because the economy and service fees no longer exist; you do not need to learn, or, on the contrary, you can learn everything; there was an opportunity to relax the way you want. But what’s next, and how will your psyche react to this? The article contains a theory about how the last person on earth will feel.


You must soon realize that everything earthly that you dreamed of is now available. After making sure that you are the last person on earth, you want to feel a sense of permissiveness. You can travel around the world and find a lot of interesting things while traveling. Here are some ideas:

Criminal ideas will probably also occur because a person is often drawn to what is forbidden to him. It is no longer possible to harm anyone, so it will be possible to sin without remorse. Fantasies can be, for example, the following:


The famous phrase of the revolutionary and thinker Mikhail Bakunin reads: “The freedom of one ends where the freedom of the other begins.” You can argue with it, but physical freedom is probably how it manifests itself.

Accordingly, there are no people – there are no obstacles. First, you can rummage in your head and finally do something previously forbidden to you personally. For example, you can listen to loud music at night, put on “forbidden” clothes, or shout in the center of the square.

Secondly, you can throw out all the accumulated emotions: smash all the computers and windows in the office where you spent half your life, cry for several hours, sleep and eat, rest as much as you need. Probably, after going through all this, you will also think about inner freedom. It can manifest itself in creative, sporting, or scientific ambition. Then you can start reading books and watching movies, for which there was not enough ahead of time, or teaching your favorite creative work.

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