What is known about giants, and where did scientists uncover their remains

One of the most enduring myths in human history is about giants. There is no single major civilization in the world that does not have stories about them. For the most part, they are all just histories. For centuries, scientists have tried to find evidence that giants existed. All research is shrouded in mystery. There are only a vast number of oral myths and mysterious stories about how archaeologists unearthed giant skeletons somewhere. Only all this is carefully hidden and hushed up. So, where is the truth? Did giants live on Earth in ancient times?
Search of the Giants

For thousands of years, people have been attracted by stories about powerful beings with tremendous power. Most people have myths and legends about giants in their folklore. There are so many of them that scientists have seriously worried about whether all these stories about giants were beautiful fiction or whether there are real justifications for them. Historians have researched many ancient texts to find out the truth. The mass of archaeological finds also indicates that giants lived on Earth in ancient times.
Religious texts tell about them, and ancient historical documents mention them. It can be concluded from them that this is a part of universal human history. One of the most famous references is the texts of the Old Testament of the Bible. Visit. A F RI N I K . C O M. For the full article. It tells the story of powerful giants called Nephilim. A biblical apocrypha, the Book of Enoch, describes the story of giants, descendants of fallen angels who cohabited with earthly women.
Their descendants were the Nephilim. They possessed tremendous power. In addition, they were very sinful creatures and plunged the world into such a depth of depravity and violence that God had to destroy it. He left alive only the family of righteous Noah, from whom humanity descended.
Legends of the most ancient civilizations

All these Bible stories and Apocrypha stories could be considered myths if they had nothing to do with the stories of other civilizations. The peoples of ancient Mesopotamia, the great civilization that gave the world a literary work called The Epic of Gilgamesh, had the same legends. This is one of the most ancient works known to historians today. Gilgamesh is described as a giant with tremendous strength.
Hindu texts also tell many stories about giants. They are attributed with unprecedented power and superhuman abilities. They were usually depicted as guardians of treasures and ancient secrets.
In ancient Greek myths, such super—beings are the titans. These giants initially ruled the world, but the Olympian gods overthrew them. There are very similar narratives in Scandinavian legends. It also describes a race of powerful giants. Like the Titans, they fought with the gods of Asgard and were defeated by them. But not all of them. Some were not evil, remained alive, married other gods, and entered military alliances.
Thus, it becomes clear that myths about giants are not limited to any one culture. This is a global trend. Giants are also often credited with creating various monumental structures. According to legend, Stonehenge was built by giants.
The cultures of the indigenous peoples of America also have such stories. For example, the Paiute Indians have a legend about a race of red-haired giants who lived in ancient times in what is now Nevada. They were cruel cannibals, and the tribe was at war with them. In the end, the evil giants were defeated. The Indians lured the last giant of this family into a cave and killed him there. Interestingly, Lovelock Cave was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, where a giant skeleton was found. The remains were allegedly kept in the Smithsonian Museum and then mysteriously disappeared.
The Hidden History of Giants

Archaeological discoveries often become the subject of heated scientific debates, especially regarding the existence of giants. There have been quite a few reports of the discovery of giant skeletons in different parts of the world. For example, world-renowned publications such as the New York Times published articles claiming that archaeologists had found the remains of giants in the Appalachian Mountains and the states of Wisconsin and Ohio.
According to various sources, their sizes ranged from 2 to 4 meters. The bone structure was quite solid. There are many photographs of such finds. Some were called fake, while others were deposited at the Smithsonian Museum. Then, they were allegedly destroyed.
Thus, the Smithsonian Institution finds itself in the epicenter of a conspiracy theory that claims that its scientists deliberately hid all information related to the giants and destroyed all evidence of their existence. This was done not to discredit the generally accepted theories that determine the history of human development. The institute itself denies all such accusations, claiming that no evidence of the existence of giants has been found. They say some of these testimonies are lies, and the rest are just incorrectly identified remains of large animals.
Conspiracy theorists consider the discovery of giant stone blocks in the ancient city of Baalbek, located on the territory of modern Lebanon, one of the most important such finds. The largest of these blocks weighs more than 1,000 tons. Most modern scholars consider these megaliths to be the product of the advanced achievements of great Rome. Some are sure that only giants could have produced them. The giants are credited with the construction of many megalithic structures throughout Europe.
So, were there giants after all or not?

Most scientists consider the theory of the existence of an ancient race of giants to be just fiction, a gross mistake, or a deliberate hoax. They believe that all documented stories about giants are just allegorical tales. People lost ancient knowledge and skills, forgot what their ancestors could do, and therefore invented giants to explain the creation of majestic megalithic structures. These creatures were also used to symbolize chaos and primitive forces and were considered a concentration of evil. Victory over them, in turn, meant the victory of good over evil, the triumph of civilization.
Anthropologists say that such stories are closely related to the discovery of ancient fossils of enormous size, bones of dinosaurs, and mammoths, for example. Ancient people mistook them for the skeletons of giant humans. This is even mentioned by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who, in his work “History” writes that the ancient Egyptians considered huge bones to be proof of the existence of giants.
Psychologists, in turn, put forward the theory that stories about giants express human fears and desires. The idea of the existence of a powerful being of enormous size symbolizes the fear of the unknown and the worship of power. Such stories always contain warnings and explanations of natural phenomena that people could not comprehend in ancient times.
There are too many coincidences.
Since ancient times, myths, mysteries, and inexplicable facts have accompanied all stories about giants. To this day, scientists cannot answer whether giants exist. Ancient historical texts, folklore of different peoples, and controversial archaeological finds only fuel the fire of scientific disputes that have been going on for centuries. Meanwhile, neither side has any convincing arguments. Neither supporters of the existence of giants nor skeptics can prove their point of view.
Nevertheless, stories about giants, whether true or allegorical, remain that fascinating mystery you want to solve. They have been passed down for centuries from generation to generation and will continue to inspire researchers to look for answers. Maybe someday, people will find out the whole truth. At the moment, humanity is not ready for this yet.