What secrets does the ancient pyramid island of Dhaskalio keep?

Crete and Santorini, two of the most beautiful Greek islands, are well-known for lovely things. In this picturesque setting, beautiful white houses line the slopes of the coastline while donkeys try to make their way through routes that are impassable to cars. During their visit to the many attractions and natural wonders, tourists may relax at one of the many charming beach bars that dot the coastline. Dhaskalio Island is not especially well-known for any of these things.

Scientists were surprised to discover that this was not an island with a hill at all but rather a massive pyramid built during the construction of the very earliest pyramids of Egypt. What mysteries of an ancient civilization do you think this unusual island could be hiding?

What secrets does the ancient pyramid island of Dhaskalio keep?

Greece is regarded as the “founding civilization” of democratic government. It has a long and illustrious history that dates back thousands of years. Many relics of ancient Greek power have been discovered around the world. Archaeologists and historians have a lot of work to do in order to piece together the story of how our contemporary world and its underlying ideologies came to exist.


Dhaskalio Island is situated off the coast of Keros Island, which is one of the Cyclades Islands in the Aegean Sea. Dhaskalio Island is a small, uninhabited island in the Aegean Sea. Dascalio was previously a part of Keros, but it was submerged due to sea-level rise.

What secrets does the ancient pyramid island of Dhaskalio keep?

Archaeologists have uncovered many artifacts, structures, and odd sculptures throughout the six years from the commencement of the excavations. Having thoroughly immersed themselves in the interesting secrets of this small island in the Aegean Sea, around 200 kilometers from Athens, the explorers are now ready to go on. The island, of course, is not very well-known or attractive to visitors, but it is an extremely important location for a number of reasons. The massive structures discovered on the pyramidal island date back to a time far earlier than the Minoan era, and they are around five thousand years old in all.

Secrets of Dhaskalio

Although the island is relatively small, it includes a significant quantity of important historical and scientific information. They provided a wealth of information to scientists concerning the origins of civilization in the area. According to researchers, the community that was created here has been around for more than 4,600 years. The island itself is constructed in the manner of an ancient Egyptian pyramid. Dhaskalio is home to the ruins of complex drainage systems and stairwells, and other architecturally significant buildings. All of this demonstrates that the people who lived here many thousands of years ago were capable of constructing such a complex civilization.

What secrets does the ancient pyramid island of Dhaskalio keep?

From the side, the pyramidal building, which is covered by a layer of soil, seems to be an average earthen island with a hill. In actuality, it was entirely constructed of white marble. Hundreds of thousands of tons of it were transported here by ship. That ancient humans were quite adept at moving huge stones over the sea is inferred from this evidence. There were no large cargo ships on the water back then. Originally, marble was transported by tiny wooden ships.

Since 2015, archaeologists have begun excavating Dhaskalio as part of the Keros-Cambridge project, which the National Geographic Society funds. A massive metalworking workshop was uncovered at this location. In addition to smelting furnaces, the researchers discovered spearheads, axes, chisels, daggers, and other artifacts. All of this points to a community that has achieved great success in the incredibly complex and difficult art of creating tools and weapons and other things. Among other things, raw materials were brought in from the mainland and sold here. The discovered workshops reshaped historians’ perceptions of the modes of exchanging information. Furthermore, these discoveries imply that the origins of urbanization were already obvious at that time.

According to Cambridge professor and co-director of the project Colin Renfrew, all the structures on Dhaskalio point to the extremely sophisticated skills of local builders and architects. The scientist says that he sees here a number of unusually complex architectural techniques, implemented in a completely wonderful and carefully thought out way.

The origin and antiquity of this architectural wonder are unknown

Dhaskalio is a tiny island in the Cyclades, a series of small islands in the Aegean Sea that are thought to have existed since the early Bronze Age. Between 3200 BC and 1050 BC, this time was in existence. The island in question, in particular, has been dated to around 2750 BC. The ruins, artifacts, and other evidence found there indicate, according to scholars, that it is “the earliest marine sanctuary in the world.”

The island of Keros, which is the nearest to Dhaskalio, is now deserted. It was also discovered to contain the remains of an ancient civilization. The existence of important buildings proves that the ancients were well-versed in complex architectural technology. Keros was discovered and excavated for the first time in the 1960s. In the years afterwards, several valuable items were discovered on the island. As a result, scientists are now focusing their attention on the adjoining Dhaskalio. According to Professor Renfrew, it is apparent that the construction projects on Dhaskalio were overseen by a highly trained architect with exceptional construction knowledge.

The discovery of the island of Dhaskalio has fundamentally changed our scholarly knowledge of the Cycladic civilization of the Early Bronze Age in the Mediterranean. The early Greeks were much more evolved than researchers had previously supposed in the organization, technology, and political sophistication.

Excavations on the island of Dhaskalio are still ongoing, and experts are hopeful that they may uncover additional discoveries.

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