What to do if you feel hopeless
Sometimes, the hopelessness becomes so overwhelming that any undertaking and life seem meaningless. At such moments, it is difficult to force yourself to get out of bed, and it is impossible to work with dedication. Things or activities that usually give joy turn into a duty. Meetings with friends and family are perceived as a duty. All my thoughts revolve around one desire — to be home alone with hopelessness as soon as possible.
You can get used to this situation, but then you risk falling into depression or existing in a state of complete apathy. All biological processes proceed as usual, but life is deprived of color. You need to take several steps to break out of the enveloping darkness. It all starts with invading your consciousness, asking questions, and finding answers.
Five ways to break out of hopelessness
1. The source of hopelessness
First of all, it is necessary to find the source of hopelessness. This feeling does not exist on its own and necessarily has a foundation. Usually, the roots of hopelessness lead to one of three areas of life: personal goals, relationships, or work. A painful setback on any of these fronts can lead to a general feeling of depression. The relationship breakup, the refusal of a long-awaited career promotion, or a chronic lack of time to realize their desires make them perceive life as a complete failure.
In reality, a person is faced only with an unpleasant and, most important, final stage. Having found the sources of hopelessness, you can look at the whole picture and adequately assess other areas of life. Everything is not so wrong there; there is no global tragedy. There are one or more specific failures and a lack of optimism.
2. Past experience
Think about past experiences. I’ve probably experienced something similar—an unsuccessful first love, the last night before the exam, with much-undigested material. Then, too, it seemed that the world was about to collapse, but this did not happen. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M .For the full article .Anyway, the difficulties were overcome; you don’t even remember them. The overwhelming feeling of hopelessness disappeared as gradually as it appeared. This story will repeat itself, although now the situation seems much more severe.
Turning to the past is important to keep in touch with reality. Nothing irreversible or fatal is happening to you. There’s a whole life ahead. In addition, experience can point to ways to overcome the crisis. The mechanisms that helped before are likely helpful now. Finding something that will occupy attention and distract from the cyclical analysis of impending hopelessness is necessary.
3. Communication Management
Analyze your social circle. Now, it is worth limiting contact with toxic people. The last thing you need is additional sources of pressure to strengthen your sense of powerlessness. It may turn out that almost all friends will be on the list of harmful relationships. In this case, you must learn how to enjoy being alone. This skill will be helpful in the future — throughout your life, and not only in personal crises.
Notice people who, on the contrary, inspire you with their presence and communication. Such support is the best medicine. At the same time, do not look for pity or become emotionally dependent. Take the initiative, but don’t impose. Your relationship should be based on equality and mutually beneficial. It will be enough to have an equal interest in each other’s personality.
4. The level of hopelessness
Try to assess the level of hopelessness daily. Of course, no tables with calculations or lists with acceptable and critical values exist. Therefore, choose any system—by points, percentages, or others. The feeling of hopelessness fluctuates. Changes also occur during the week. It is essential to notice the triggers that contribute to the growth and decrease in the level of depression.
Realizing that your mood and perception of life are influenced not only by random events like solar flares or horoscope forecasts but also by direct actions, you can develop tactics for maintaining positivity. If possible, avoid things that increase the level of hopelessness, and, conversely, do inspiring things more often, even if they seem like silly fun.
5. Everyday achievements
It would be best if you had it like air. Everyday achievements are called positive results of meaningful activities that do not claim to be widely recognized by the public, in other words, any victories. Sports are best suited. After all, the very fact of playing sports in adulthood is already an achievement. If there is a negligible, literally yard recognition, then this will multiply the effect. This self-esteem enhancement tool is not available to everyone.
Many people have never played sports in principle and do not want to receive additional loads. Especially if they are already working physically, in this case, you should choose something else. Any creativity or personal passion, implying the possibility of progress, will do. The point is to argue against hopelessness. To show her that you have enough regular achievements, you are not crushed, you do not just exist, but you fully live and can win.