Who built Ollantaytambo?

Ollantaytambo is a collection of Inca village archeological digs in southern Peru, 60 kilometers northwest of Cusco. 9,160 feet, or 2,792 meters, above sea level, is where it is situated. The complex is situated in the Sacred Valley, as it was known to the Incas. This masterpiece of architecture was originally a fortification and temple. The Inca monarch Pachacuti, according to historians, is credited with founding Ollantaytambo about the year 1440. However, archaeologists think Ollantaytambo was constructed over much earlier ruins, the origin of which is unclear.
Numerous researchers who have investigated these amazing remains claim that Ollantaytambo’s ancient builders used stone and bronze tools to manipulate and shape stone blocks with remarkable accuracy. It is difficult to accept this since the stones seem to have absolutely perfect angles, and some are as smooth as glass, which would be challenging to do even with our current technology.

Some Ollantaytambo bricks, according to technicians and specialists, weigh more than 50 tons and need a variety of vehicles and energy to move. It is absurd to believe that a 50-ton block can be moved up a mountain by a huge group of people working together without the aid of any machinery.
Another oddity is that, despite the fact that archaeologists believe metal and stone tools were used to prepare these blocks, no evidence of their usage or possession was discovered close by. As a result, it is unclear what granite surfaces have been treated.

The fact that the ancient builders were able to cut, transport, fit and assemble all these stones so exactly is an even bigger marvel. It is difficult to put a piece of paper or a knife between the rocks at Ollantaytambo because they are so precisely positioned and fitted. How they accomplished this defies logic, and it is just incredible. The stones whose joints are rounded rather than straight are much more beautiful. The stones seemed to be able to soften due to some kind of heat source since they docked flawlessly and formed the appropriate shape.
Ancient ancestors were referred to as brother and sister in Inca tales about the Andes. They were referred to as “Children of the Sun” and were sent to Earth by the “Sun God”. These enigmatic aliens came with what was described as a golden wedge. These accounts closely resemble the accounts of the alien visitors that enabled all of these developments. They brought some kind of technology that allowed for the transportation, placement, and cutting of enormous boulders.

The hypothesis that the architects of Ollantaytambo were ancient civilizations with advanced technology that vanished before the Incas grew increasingly plausible, as bizarre as it may seem. This enigma has yet to be cleared up.