Who is Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein confidante involve in recruiting underage girls

Ghislaine Maxwell, the wealthy British socialite who is seen as a key figure in the abuse network of the deceased millionaire Jeffrey Epstein, has been arrested. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation confirms that. Maxwell has been charged with perjury and involvement in recruiting underage girls.

Ghislaine Maxwell, 58, was arrested by the FBI on Thursday in Bradford, New Hampshire, NBC New York reported on the basis of two high-ranking sources in justice. The FBI has since confirmed the news.

Recruiting girls

Ghislaine is the daughter of the British media magnate Robert Maxwell who fell off his yacht in 1991 and drowned in the sea. For years she was the girlfriend of s3x offender Jeffrey Epstein (66), who was arrested last year for the abuse of countless women on his private island in the Caribbean. He committed suicide in his cell in August, pending trial.

Maxwell is regarded as his confidante, who was on the investor’s side for decades and who kept in touch with prominent figures. She would also have helped him recruit young women for the abuse. She disappeared from view after the multimillionaire’s suicide.


Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein soon became two hands on one stomach after a first meeting in the early ’90s. Some talk about a romantic relationship, others about a very close friendship. Anyway, the two turned out to be partners in crime and court documents released last year show that you can take that description literally.

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.  Maxwell was Epstein's ex-girlfriend and is said to have supported the abuse.
©Patrick McMullan/Getty Image – Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

For example, Virginia Giuffre said that Maxwell hired her as a masseuse for Epstein at the age of 16. In her testimony, it can be read that the massage quickly took on different proportions. “They called sex ‘massage’. They called modeling ‘massage’. There were threesomes, dildos, payments, and presents. And not only with Epstein, but also with famous friends of his,” she said in an interview. So did the name of the British Prince Andrew, a close friend of Maxwell.

More testimonials

Also, in other testimonies, the name of Ghislaine keeps recurring as ‘whore madam’. Armed with a stack of business cards, she apparently went to high schools in Palm Beach, Florida, and gave her details to girls who wanted to earn some extra money. It was about ‘odeling’ or ‘giving massages’. Giuffre filed a complaint against Maxwell in 2015, just like a number of other women.

A total of six complaints

Maxwell was supposed to be arraigned later in the day. She was charged with, among other things, perjury and involvement in the recruitment of underage girls for s3x.

A total of six indictments have been filed against the socialite. Four of the charges relate to recruitment activities, including luring girls and transporting and planning girls. Ghislaine Maxwell is also alleged to have committed perjury several times when she maintained that she knew nothing about Epstein’s abuse.

The Manhattan Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office, responsible for the Epstein case, is announcing a press conference to clarify the charges.

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