Why 90 per cent of people die with regret

Living is full of choices, many of which come with uncertainty. If we choose differently, we can never know what might have been. But why people die with regret?

There is no life that will ever be clear about the chances of regret. Failure to relate, missed opportunities, poor judgment. Some options seem easy at the time, only to find out later that the information was inadequate; others are hard from the start. But why people have to regret at the end of their life.

Some of the regrets

I wish I dared to live an authentic life instead of what others expect of me.

That is the most frequent regret among all people. When people are conscious that their life is almost over and look back at it with clarity, it’s easy to see how many dreams have failed to come true. Most people don’t even live out half of their goals and have to die, knowing it was due to their decisions or didn’t make. The freedom that comes with good health rarely realized until they no longer have it.

I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

Their remorse is usually missing out on the lives of their children and the companionship of their spouses.

The majority believe that we may not need all the money we’re chasing by streamlining our lifestyles and making improved choices. That way, we can carve out more space in our lives for happiness and spend more time with the people who value most to us.

I wish I had made myself happier

It is a pleasantly common phenomenon. Many people don’t recognize that happiness is a choice until the very end. They stay stuck in old models and customs. The familiarity of so-called “ease” spills over into their moods, as well as into their physical lives. They are afraid of change that allows them to fake it to others, and their egos are content when deep down they long to laugh right and be silly again in their lives.

I wish I faced my fears

Life is something found in the gap between your darkest desires and your greatest fears. Remember, fear is only temporary, but regret is always there.

I wished I keep in touch with my friends

There are many profound regrets about not showing friendship the time and effort they deserve. Everybody misses their friends when they are dying.

I wish I had worried less

Worry about just using your fantasy to create something you don’t want.

I wish I had the nerve to express my feelings.

Most of them choose not to confront difficult situations and people, even if it offends them. By suppressing their anger, they build up a lot of bitterness and resentment, ultimately affecting their health.

It is essential to understand that honesty and confrontation are necessary components of a healthy relationship so that we avoid guilt later in life

I wish I didn’t care what people thought.

Remember, most people probably don’t think about you as much as you would like, so don’t worry about it so much. Everyone else has so much going on that they may not be concerned about your life or the decisions you make. Live in your truth, and don’t worry about what other people think; that’s their problem.

Be honest, be simple, be happy with your life and do what works for you. If you fulfilled with who you are, nothing else matters.

I wish I didn’t take life for granted.

Some people take their lives seriously and don’t appreciate all the little things that make up their environment around them.

We should. Even if you don’t have much to live for, you can at least say you’re grateful to have the universe provide you with the basics.

I wish I could live more

Do something today. Make it a day to remember. Spend some time and then revisit your business, your life, your leadership. And ask yourself what, if anything, you might regret later. If there is, take action. Later will be before you know it.

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