Why do my legs swell?

Why do my legs swell? Taking medications (steroids, antidepressants) can cause swelling. If there is swelling in the legs, it is advisable to notify your doctor to adjust the dosage / prescribe an alternative treatment. Swelling also appears with pathologies of the kidneys and liver, hormonal imbalance, venous lesions, and pregnancy.

If your legs start to swell, it’s not just a visual issue and discomfort. Swelling can be caused by eating disorders, trauma, unsuitable shoes, long walking. Their appearance may indicate serious disorders in the body. And it is desirable to identify them in time.

Causes of edema and what to do

Edema is the accumulation of excess fluid in the body. There are various reasons why water is retained in the body. But as a result of this process, swelling of the whole body or some of its areas occurs.

If a person stays “on his feet” all day long, or in case of pregnancy, swelling of the legs develops more often. But edema also appears in those who do not belong to risk groups. In this case, you should be wary.

The main reasons for swelling are

  • kidney diseases: glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and renal failure;
  • Cardiac diseases: heart failure,
  • vein diseases (varicose veins, inflammation, thrombosis);
  • Liver diseases: cirrhosis, blockage of liver veins;
  • endocrine system problems: hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus;
  • cancer;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions.

Another likely cause of swelling in the legs (it usually only appears on one limb) is any injury. Injuries such as sprains, bruises, fractures, and sprains may be accompanied by tissue swelling. This condition is temporary and usually goes away on its own. A cold compress and a tight bandage will help.

Why are my feet swollen?

The most serious swelling can be associated with cardiovascular abnormalities. Heart failure is a severe condition in which the heart muscle cannot pump the right amount of blood. If the myocardium is unable to perform its functions, there is swelling. If the development of swelling is combined with shortness of breath, weakness, and palpitations, it is important to see a doctor immediately for diagnosis.

If you regularly experience swelling, especially if this has never happened before, it is an excellent reason to have an examination.

The abnormalities detected are likely to require medication and lifestyle adjustments. All the doctor’s recommendations should be strictly adhered to; only then can the problem be managed.

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