Woman (73) died for two months and cat allegedly eaten her partly

The police have made a sinister discovery in a flat in the Walloon municipality of Marcinelle (Henegouwen). Agents found the remains of the 73-year-old resident Jacqueline Vandendaele. And her cat appeared to have eaten a part of her body.
The facts date from January 19 and were now published in the La Province newspaper. The woman lived in an apartment in the Rue Aurelien Thibaut in a borough of Charleroi. The autopsy on her body showed that she had already died for two months, probably somewhere in November.
They were anxious neighbours who informed the emergency services. They forced the door and found the body of the woman. That had been eaten by the cat of the woman, who had been trapped in the flat for months. He had seen no other way to survive than to start eating her boss.