Woman ‘offers’ her husband for sale on eBay: “Exchange is excluded”

There is no doubt that social networks have become a very useful tool, so much, so that you can find unimaginable things, such as the case of a woman who tried to sell her husband on the web.
It turns out that a woman, 40, posted an ad on a website to get rid of her husband for the modest amount of eighteen euros. The woman, originally from Germany, put her husband on sale on the eBay portal because, she confessed that they are not matched, and was fed up with him.
The saleswoman revealed that she could not continue with her husband because she had realized that they did not fit as a couple: “Dear women who may be interested. During the first two days of Christmas I realized that we just do not belong to each other anymore. I would like to give up my husband. I’m happy to negotiate the price.”

In the description of the sale, the woman put some conditions like the one that did not accept changes: “I would like to deliver my husband. Exchange is excluded. Requests by email”. Also, the woman set the price according to her lucky number; there were no interested in the ‘offer’ and it was removed.
The announcement attracted the attention of Internet users, it even had more than 90 visits, but neither the explanation of why she wanted to sell him nor the price were enough to complete the business; situation that did not mortify the woman, because it seems to be a joke.