Woman refused on the plane because of the deep neckline

An incident in which a woman was denied boarding a plane because of her plunging neckline caused discussion. Kayla Eubanks was not allowed to check-in because her breasts were “obscene and offensive”. After a pilot lent her a T-shirt, she was still able to go. But she is anything but satisfied.

Kayla Eubanks of Chicago wanted to fly on a Southway Airlines flight on October 6. However, an airline employee believed her blacktop was cut too deep. Her breasts were not covered enough, which could be offensive to other passengers.

Kayla clearly disagreed. She immediately posted a photo of herself in her outfit on Twitter, told her story, and demanded an explanation from Southway Airways. At the check-in counter, a woman screened Southway Airlines’ dress code, but Eubanks did not show the dress code.


The other passengers were all on the plane, while the frustrated Eubanks stayed behind at the check-in desk for nearly half an hour. There she eventually got talking to a pilot. He offered her his T-shirt, after which the woman was allowed on board.

Apologies and free flight

A Southway Airlines spokesperson told The New York Post that the airline will stand by its employee’s decision. Still, the company contacted Eubanks to apologize. “But every situation is different, and our employees are responsible for ensuring that our rules are followed,” he said.

Southway Airlines did offer Eubanks to refund her flight, which seems to confess the airline to some degree of guilt.

Opinions divided

Opinions are divided on social media. “I agree with Southway Airlines,” someone says. “Those kinds of tops or those fluorescent bodysuits are better for the beach or street races.” A lot of people think the airline had the right to refuse Kayla.

Others do not agree at all. “She paid for her flight, right? You wear what you want. An airline has nothing to do with that,” it sounds.

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