Woman spits in the direction of the police. 5 agents work hard on her

In the United States, a fuss has arisen about a video that shows how five officers crackdown on a woman. The reason? She spat in their direction.

The incident happened on Saturday in Portland, Oregon, where a large extreme right-wing demonstration and an anti-fascist counter-demonstration took place. The woman in question, who calls herself Hannah on Twitter, posted a picture of her bruises online.

“This is nothing to what some people experienced, and I don’t want to take light, but is this necessary for spitting in a direction of cops?” She asks.


“For clarity’s sake, I spit in their direction, not even on an agent and I was tackled by five agents. Is that really necessary now? I woke up with bruises all over my body.”

Police violence

This police violence is unacceptable, says Riley Renn, the woman who made the images. “Police violence cannot be tolerated in any way,” she says to The Independent. “Lots of demonstrators were there to speak out against the fact that having to make the enormous police barely account in the US.”

It is not clear whether the woman was part of demonstrations or just came, but police say she is not currently being charged. A police spokesperson tells The Independent that further investigation must make clear whether that will happen after all.

The spokesperson also said that all use of force by the police is being evaluated. A total of 13 people were arrested on Saturday.

The Independent
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