World longest fingernails cut her nails with a grinding disc: ‘washing no longer possible’

Finally, Ayanna Williams can open a door again without a care in the world. Since 2017, her name has been in the Guinness Book of Records as the woman with the longest fingernails in the world. This weekend, the Texan had her ‘tentacles’ cut with a grinding wheel for the first time in 28 years.

Williams’ nails – all fingers together – came to 7.34 meters. No woman is doing better at the moment, but she is still more than a meter short of Lee Redmond’s absolute record of 8.65 meters. The American had to give up her place after she was involved in a car accident in 2009. The impact caused her nails to break off.

Lee Redmond
©Guinness Book of Records – Lee Redmond

For Williams’ nail cut, a grinding wheel eventually had to be used. She took the drastic decision because everyday tasks, such as doing the dishes or changing the sheets, became too difficult. “I could still drive, but turning right was sometimes a problem,” she says.

Williams will regrow her nails now, but not as long as before.
©Guinness Book Of Records – Williams will regrow her nails now, but not as long as before.

The woman will certainly miss her precious possession. “I especially liked that in the presence of children. I could always say that my nails were much older than themselves.”

Four jars of nail polish

The nails reached a length of 5.76 meters when Williams took over the record four years ago. To brighten them up, she needed two full jars of nail polish. In the meantime, that had already become three or four. The job took several days.

Williams’ nails will now be on display at the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Museum in Orlando. “I’m already telling a nice story for my grandchildren. Now I especially want to encourage my successor to do just as well,” the lady concludes.

The men’s record is even sharper. Twelve years ago, Melvin Boothe reached 9.85 meters or almost three feet per finger.

©Guinness Book of Records – Melvin Boothe
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