Zahra Aboutalib 70-years-old woman who gave birth to a stone baby

Some terribly disturbing things happen every day that we don’t know about until it is splashed on the front page of the newspaper or circulated like a viral social media post. Zahra Aboutalib, a 70-year-old Moroccan woman, gave birth to a stone baby.

Some of these bizarre events have been happening since before some of us were born and still have the potential to raise our hairs to stand. In 1955, 26-year-old Zahra Aboutalib went into labor and suffered for 48 hours before being rushed to a local hospital in Morocco.

Upon arrival, Zahra saw another woman die in excruciating pain during childbirth and was so frightened that she fled home.

When, after a while, her labor pains stopped, Zahra went on with her normal life. Zahra Aboutalib never gave birth; neither does she suffered a miscarriage. She then decided to adopt three children, and end up eventually became a grandmother.

Zahra Aboutalib 70-years-old  woman who gave birth to a stone baby

Forty-six years after her terrifying experience in the hospital, Zahra was in intense pain once again. The doctors had an ultrasound of her belly and found a mass. An MRI revealed that the weight was her unborn baby.

Zahra Aboutalib 70-years-old  woman who gave birth to a stone baby

It became clear that Zahra’s pregnancy had been ectopic with the fetus growing out of the fallopian tube and into her stomach. Because the baby was never born, it calcified inside Zahra’s body and was removed during a four-hour procedure.

Zahra Aboutalib became known as the woman who gave birth to a stone baby when she was over 70 years old.

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