10 habits that prevent you from joining a team at work

Communication is the key to health. Of course, not all communication is good. And I would very much like to know how to build relationships with people to benefit from it! Scientists are sure that good communication with colleagues, friends, relatives helps to avoid depression, involvement in gossip, and intrigue. How can this result be achieved?

Why is it difficult to join a team at work?

This article focuses on the topic of communicating with colleagues. Companies themselves have a stake in ensuring that employees get along well with each other. It is not for nothing that people often indicate such a quality as communication skills in their resume. Firms regularly conduct training to improve the microclimate because this affects the success and profitability of the company. But not all people are equally easy-going. It happens that it is difficult to find comrades at work, and a person turns into an outcast … Of course, in such a situation, to put it mildly, it is unpleasant and uncomfortable. Below we will break down 10 habits that can turn people away from you.

Constant complaints

Complaints and grievances directed in a third person are a popular conversation starter. There are enough topics: boorish behavior of neighbors, traffic jams, bad weather, relationship problems … The list goes on. However, an eternally disgruntled colleague is the worst trouble at work.

This isn’t very pleasant. And the complaints themselves are contagious: in response to the whining, the interlocutor himself begins to lament. So he expresses his support, a desire to understand. The result is a bad mood, gloom of people around. Moreover, optimists are perceived to be more competent than pessimists. Employers don’t like whiners either. And often, those who like to complain are the first to be fired.

Discussion of television news

There is a key etiquette rule: do not talk in society about your health, politics, and religion. Usually, people discuss the weather and other neutral things. Agree; hearing about indigestion, dental problems, diseases, etc., is rather unpleasant. The same goes for discussing political views.

Such conversations are more likely to sow enmity among colleagues than lead to a stronger relationship. Disputes about politics and religion take time, damage your reputation, and worsen relations between people. Better to translate conversations into a more peaceful channel.

Fanatical attitude towards something

Fanatics aren’t just annoying people in the office. In general, such an attitude often makes people nervous: endless and indefatigable eco-activism, participation in charity events, etc. – all this is great, only outside of work, at leisure.

Such initiatives interfere with the efficiency of work in the company: what are the only constant campaigning, discussions, collection of signatures, and so on! It remains only to be surprised at the patience of the employees, and the bosses too.

Disorder in the workplace

Creative people often use their creativity to justify a mess on the desktop. But rest assured: some curious employee (and there are always such people in every team ) will definitely notice your mess, spread gossip throughout the office, and then all your colleagues will mow down on you … It’s unpleasant, however. You can be considered an unorganized, undisciplined, immature, and irresponsible person.

Discussion of colleagues behind the back

Gossip is, in fact, no good. It is even worse – to inform the superiors on their colleagues, snitch, and try to curry favor in this way. Do you think management will appreciate your “loyalty”? On the contrary, it may well play not into the hands of … you. Moreover, your colleagues will turn their backs on you.

Nobody likes gossips, sneaks, schemers. By taking the time to gossip, you ignore your direct responsibilities. This is also unlikely to be appreciated by the bosses! But you can also benefit from your curiosity: praise your colleagues, be sincere if you notice something good. But don’t flatter, don’t go overboard, as they say.

Using other people’s belongings

You need a pen, have you noticed that your colleague has a pen on his desk, he doesn’t use it, so you go and get it? This is bad. Yes, it’s someone else’s thing; your office mate will miss it one day. And there will be an unpleasant situation.

If you need something, it is better to ask tactfully and politely – even if it is some trifle: a sticker, a pencil, a sheet of paper … To begin with, the office stationery does not even belong to the people who work here! All of these things are owned by the company. So keep your good reputation.

Correction of colleagues

It’s okay to make mistakes. But no one gave you the right to teach others, teach life, give advice if not asked for it. First, people often regard it as an intervention in privacy, personal space. Secondly, sometimes this habit is just annoying.
Colleagues may see you as a proud, arrogant person who considers herself superior, better than them. It is also perceived as a desire to attract attention. Not very good either. By correcting another person, you willy-nilly make yourself more competitive in the eyes of your superiors, which means you “substitute” your comrade.

Use of profanity

Oh, sometimes there are times when there are no words – only expressions! And the most educated person can sometimes break loose. But the people around them perceive obscene language as roughness, stupidity, rudeness.

They consider people who allow themselves such expressions to be unpleasant, even dirty. It’s all on a subconscious level. In addition, it seems that the person does not know how to control himself. Who needs such a reputation?

Eating food with a characteristic odor

An elementary rule works here: if you respect your colleagues, then you really shouldn’t try the patience of their nose. It is better to refuse all this in the office with smoked sausage, original spices, squid, eggs, and spicy dishes. Enjoy these treats at home, but take a more modest-smelling container to work.

Reasoning about career plans

Now people rarely stay in one place and one company all their lives. But do not say too often how you hate your position, the office in which you work, how much more you deserve … The employer will regard this not in your favor, and you risk not holding out here even for the term you planned.

The very desire for development, growth, a higher salary is normal. However, in addition to the opinion of your superiors, you will also encounter envy from your colleagues. There is nothing to be done; such is human psychology.

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