9 lessons on negotiating for a higher salary

Negotiations are never easy, and unfortunately, we never learn how to handle these kinds of conversations best. The result? Many people leave money behind. These nine lessons about negotiation will help you get the salary you want from now on. In this way, everyone at the table leaves with a satisfied feeling.
Lessons on Negotiation
Whether you’re negotiating a higher salary at your new job or want a raise at your current job, keep these lessons in mind.
You don’t get paid for what you’re worth
But for how well you negotiate. Lesson number one is, therefore, to always negotiate your salary. Never say yes to the first bid; the other will never start with their maximum amount. You have a no; you can get a yes.
Do your homework before negotiating
Just because you don’t get paid for what you’re worth doesn’t mean you shouldn’t research how much you’re worth. This helps you to be more confident in your shoes.
Don’t forget how important sympathy is
In a negotiation, it is very tempting to see the other party as ‘the opponent.’ But remember that you don’t want to damage the relationship: you want to go or continue working here after all.
Not just because you want to keep the relationship. Anything you do in a negotiation that makes you seem less sympathetic reduces the chances of getting the offer you want.
Help them understand why you deserve what you ask of them
If you can’t explain exactly why you deserve that raise, you really shouldn’t be asking for it.
Use facts, not emotions, when negotiating
It is important to use facts, not emotions. Sure, you may feel like you’re working harder than everyone else, but it’s easy for an employer to dismiss that feeling if you don’t have facts to back up that statement.
Tell the truth
“My advice is never to lie while negotiating, for example, about work experience or the amount of your previous salary. “There is a good chance that the lie will come out. But even if it doesn’t, it’s unethical.”
Don’t be afraid to take a time out
Did you know that silence is the ultimate power move during a negotiation? It gives you the chance to list everything and think carefully about your answer.
You can even request a ‘time out’ if you don’t remember and feel like you’re going to say yes too soon.
Ask if you can have a glass of water or go to the toilet. That way, you can pick yourself up again.
You don’t have to agree immediately
Another important lesson: you don’t have to agree right away during the negotiation. It is also possible to indicate that you want to think carefully about the offer and that you will come back to it tomorrow before 10 a.m. (for example).
Understand the company’s limitations
Maybe they like you and want to give them the salary you deserve, but they don’t because of restrictions like a salary cap. During the conversation, try to find out what the company’s limitations are.
In large companies, you may not be able to get paid more than others in a similar role. Then try to negotiate the start date, holidays, flexible working hours, and other fringe benefits.
For example, these secondary employment conditions are not possible again in a smaller company, but there is probably more room for salary negotiation. The better you understand the situation, the more likely you will propose an option that works for both parties.