10 ways to avoid conflict at a family party

New Year is, first of all, a family holiday, where everyone meets around one table, whether near or distant relatives. However, keep in mind that not all natives get along with one another. You may not get along with a relative, an uncle you only see once or twice a year, or even your parents. This does not make any of you evil people; it simply means you can’t establish a common language and make some compromises.
However, the New Year is still a festive occasion in which there should be no space for squabbles. As a result, it’s critical to preserve self-control, have a good attitude, and avoid being led by provocations. We’ve compiled a list of methods to prevent quarrels and scandals around the holiday table.
Don’t respond to personal inquiries
The most common personal inquiries your relatives ask to begin with the obvious: “Do you have a bride?” and “When may your parents anticipate grandchildren?” Of course, such subjects of discussion will irritate you, and you are unlikely to wish to discuss them, particularly during a vacation.
However, you are not obligated to satiate the curiosity of others. Refuse to answer personal inquiries to avoid speaking about issues that are upsetting to you. Make a joke, walk away from the response, or state flatly that you don’t want to talk about it. Your family will stop asking you questions once they realize you are not in the mood to speak, and you may breathe out and relax.
Don’t expect to persuade your family to alter their minds on anything
Everyone is unique, with their own life experiences, perspectives on events, and, as a result, developed opinions on various topics. It would be beneficial if you were not overconfident and foolish enough to assume that you can persuade someone of anything by presenting multiple compelling reasons.
Your efforts to persuade him to alter his opinion are unlikely to be fruitful. Furthermore, they will only cause mutual annoyance, verbal skirmishes, and, consequently, a sour atmosphere at the holiday table. To prove something to your family, try to control your urges. Exhale, smile, and tell them you disagree with their views, but you don’t want to talk about it right now.
Reduce your contact with them or move it to the internet
If you must speak with relatives who will inevitably cause you to have a quiet tantrum and destroy your mood, try to keep as much space as possible between you and them. For example, agree to spend New Year’s Eve separately with your parents and closest relatives, or thank your obnoxious relatives online by just sending a few sweet words or contacting them. You’ll do your “obligation” while avoiding having to contact them in person.
Don’t take anything to heart
Even grownups may sometimes express themselves in such an illiterate and inaccurate manner that keeping a discussion going with them becomes a genuine hardship. Be exceedingly distracted if you have such relatives during the holiday.
Remember that they have no control over their speech and believe that their remarks might somehow insult you. They say whatever comes to mind to avoid causing you harm. As a result, don’t take anything they say to heart.
Don’t be irritated by what you’re seeing
Some individuals get a kick out of seeing someone become annoyed. Keep this in mind the next time your relative provokes you. Keep yourself as calm and preoccupied as possible; don’t give them another reason to be joyful. Keep your cool, don’t get caught up in other people’s chatter, and don’t ruin the holiday for yourself or others. You may work out your differences on another day if you choose.
Avoid bringing up subjects that might cause controversy
Several subjects of discussion are entirely unsuitable for bringing up on New Year’s Eve when people want to enjoy rather than worry about their problems. Politics, economics, religion, life philosophy, and other topics are discussed.
It would help if you strived to avoid discussing anything about which your views are likely to differ. Discuss some great experiences, reminisce, and describe what is going on in your life right now. Weekdays are better for the rest of it.
Tolerate your family
When relatives strive to attract your attention and desire the best for you, they may irritate you with their words or actions. They have the right to critique your choice, attempt to persuade you of anything, or ask you an unpleasant question just because they are concerned for your future.
Put yourself in your family’s shoes and consider why they act in the way they do. Above all, don’t jump to conclusions or start a fight.
Don’t hold it against yourself if you’ve been mistreated
Do not immediately blame yourself if someone, particularly a family member, attempts to insult you or reacts harshly. This is often not the result of someone’s negative attitude toward you. Your relative might be dealing with issues that are bothering him and causing others to break down.
Consider how you act when you’re having a terrible day or when you’re dealing with a problem. You may be cruel to someone; you can sneer at them or raise your voice. Instead of responding with insults, invite the individual over to you and ask him about his motivations for acting the way he did. The issue will be resolved before it even begins in this manner.
Keep in mind that in most conflicts, both parties are at fault
It is unnecessary to search for people who are to blame for wars. The greatest thing you can do to ensure that you don’t ruin the holiday for yourself or others is to consider what went wrong. Keep an eye on what you say and do, and attempt to figure out what’s causing the conflict. If you follow these guidelines, contacting a relative will not be as tough as you once believed.
Look for help
Attempt to spend as much time as possible with the families with whom you have the most pleasant interactions. Sit next to them, engage in conversations with them, and enjoy the holiday without distracting others who are prepared to irritate you. Be more crafty and surround yourself with people who will either support you in the dispute or who can divert and calm you at the right moment.