12 emotional overloads that can cause havoc on your life

Every person is faced with emotional overload from time to time: shoulders too much, take responsibility for other people, plunges himself into a state of stress. Regardless of the cause, such overloads cause serious harm to your body and reduce the quality of life. You feel morally exhausted; you start having problems with your personal life, difficulties with work, etc.

In order not to bring yourself to such a state, it is important to know which factors are exerting undue pressure on you. We have compiled a few examples of emotional overload that you must keep in mind to maintain your physical and mental well-being.


Hard work or just an increased workload inevitably leads you to emotional exhaustion. It also hurts your desire to work harder, giving up a well-deserved weekend. You start to get hung up on your projects, but contrary to your expectations, the volume of work only grows, and it seems to you that it will never end.

You must have time to rest, whether you like it or not. If you do not recuperate after a hard work week, you are guaranteed emotional overload. Your body cannot cope with the constant pressure and decides to give up at the most inopportune moment.

Financial difficulties

Financial problems hit mental health hard, causing them to feel constant anxiety and stress. You are worried, do not understand what to do, are afraid of your future, etc. Even the process of buying essentials starts to put pressure on you. You are in austerity mode, focusing on endless calculations and spending a lot of nerves trying to maintain at least some emotional stability.

Constantly caring for another person

If you constantly take responsibility for another person, you are spending twice as much of your resources. This can lead to rapid mental and physical exhaustion and negative attitudes towards the person you care about.

So, if possible, try not to allow such emotional overload: know the measure in physical, emotional, and financial assistance. Do not think that you are the only one who can help a person. And certainly, don’t try to give up the latter when your resources are close to zero.

Lack of work-life balance

When you completely immerse yourself in work and forget about your personal life: dating, spending time with your beloved girlfriend, meeting friends, communicating with family, etc., this will certainly lead to constant stress and a feeling of dissatisfaction with your own life.

Everything must be in harmony: to maintain motivation and performance, you must allow yourself to rest and have fun. Otherwise, the load on your body will be so strong that you may face burnout, apathy, and anxiety.

Combining work and study

Combining work and study is not easy, and in most cases, it requires a huge physical and emotional investment. Constant stress, trying to build a suitable schedule, large amounts of information, and lack of time for yourself lead to exhaustion.

Therefore, when you have an opportunity to relax, you should take advantage of it and not clog the freed-up minutes with new tasks for work or study.

Refusing to help with a lot of responsibilities

You will be emotionally drained if you take on a huge amount of responsibilities, and at the same time, you will refuse to help others. Learn to let go of your fears of being weak or rejected.

You must delegate tasks and allow other people to solve your problems; otherwise, one day, the day will come when you will not even be able to get out of bed.

Lack of support from loved ones

Anyone expects family and friends to provide all possible emotional support. If you are taking on a problem or starting to implement your ideas, it is important for you to feel that dear people believe in you. Otherwise, you will begin to doubt yourself, worry too much about the results of your labors, and put pressure on yourself.

Emotional exhaustion will not keep you waiting, and you will most likely give up what you started halfway through.

Lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep

Sleep problems over time can lead to excessive irritability, stress, anxiety, lethargy, anxiety, and even depression. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the quality of your sleep carefully: to provide comfortable conditions, wake up and go to bed at the same time, properly prepare for falling asleep, etc. The less you sleep, the greater the risk of earning emotional exhaustion.

Negative thoughts

There are times when you can’t focus on anything because of negative thoughts about a situation. You build pessimistic scenarios, overly worry, suffer from fears and doubts about the decisions you made.

As a result, a feeling of helplessness and a lack of hope for a positive outcome inevitably leads to emotional exhaustion.

The need for constant self-improvement

If you always strive to become better, achieve excellence in a profession or hobby, spend all your free time on self-development – you are probably already emotionally drained.

An obsession with self-improvement makes you scold yourself for rest, too slow progress, imperfect results of your efforts. You live in constant stress, which negatively affects your psyche and the body as a whole.

Living a difficult life period

Breakups, moving to another city, relationship problems, the loss of a loved one, and other traumatic events or situations that cause you many negative emotions lead to exhaustion. It would help if you learned not to immerse yourself in endless suffering but to give yourself a certain period for this, after which you will pull yourself together.

Distract yourself, seek help, spend more time with loved ones, in general, do everything to make it easier to live through a difficult period.

Lack of feeling in control of your life

It is important for every person to feel that he is the master of his life. You must understand that you have a voice in decision-making; you can defend your boundaries, manage your time, finances, and other resources. Lack of a sense of control can lead to negative consequences, one of which is emotional exhaustion.

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