2 out of 3 European children are positive about migrants

68 percent of children and adolescents are hospitable and curious about people of other nationalities living in their country. This is shown by a study by UNICEF on the Day of the Rights of the Child today.

Almost 14,000 children from 23 countries took part in the online survey ‘Europe Kids Want’. Which was launched in June of this year. All together accounted for 38,000 answers. The researchers asked them about safety at school, climate change, family environment and online behaviour.

The results show that these young people are positive towards people with a different nationality in their country. Tolerance and equal treatment of migrants, regardless of religion, culture or language, are prominent in the results of the opinion poll.

What European children are awake about? They are worried about finding a job, especially in Italy, Serbia, Spain, Ireland and Bulgaria. 74 percent of respondents also said that schools are not preparing them well enough for the next phase of their lives. In addition, they are concerned about a possible war or terrorist attack (48 percent) and for climate change (41 percent).

Celebration of kid’s Right

“The European Union has 100 million children. And adolescents whose voice must be heard about decisions about their future,” says Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, deputy director of UNICEF. She is in Brussels to celebrate the Day of the Rights of the Child in the European Parliament. That will open the doors today for young people who will talk about the results of the ‘Europe Kids Want’ survey.

The Day of the Rights of the Child takes place every year on 20 November. To commemorate the anniversary of the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child. This year UNICEF calls for the online signing of the petition calling on world leaders to respect the rights of all children and future generations.

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