3 years in prison for former Donald Trump’s lawyer

Michael Cohen, the former attorney of US President Donald Trump, has today been sentenced to three years in prison for his involvement in the payment of tide of money to women who wanted to open their book on Trump’s sexual excesses and because he had lied in the US Congress about a project that Trump wanted to realize in Russia.
A judge in New York today condemned Michael Cohen to 36 months in prison for the payment of the silent money to porn actress Stormy Daniels and model Karen McDougal, who received 130,000 and 150,000 dollars respectively to keep quiet about their affairs with Donald Trump, who at the time of the facts were married.
According to the judge, these payments go against the law on campaign financing, which stipulates that every campaign contribution must be indicated. In addition, an individual donation cannot exceed 2,700 dollars. With the payment, Cohen would have tried to influence the campaign from the sidelines. The lawyer admitted during the trial that the payments were made on behalf of Trump. With that, the president may also be charged with a violation of the campaign finance law.
In addition, Cohen also gets two months in prison because he made false statements in Congress. Cohen had pleaded guilty on both charges. Both prison sentences will run simultaneously. On 6 March, Cohen must voluntarily register at the prison. The 52-year-old man today heard his prison sentence in front of his wife, son and daughter.
Possible third cell punishment
However, Cohen may still have a third penalty over his head. Special researcher Robert Mueller, who is leading the investigation into the role of Russia in the 2016 elections and the possible conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Moscow, also accuses him of making false statements in Congress. Cohen also pleads guilty for this indictment.
“He provided evidence against the most powerful man in the country,” said Guy Petrillo, one of his lawyers, today in the court during his plea for a mild punishment. Cohen cooperated, even though he knew “that the president could stop Mueller’s investigation”, Petrillo said.
Cohen’s punishment was estimated at four to five years. With three years he is therefore slightly better off.