4 women fight to claim the custody of their dead “husband”

A tragedy occurred in a morgue in Kenya after four women contested the body of a man, they each claimed that the dead man is their husband.

The three ladies who came to claim the body of the deceased are identified as Janet Wambui, Lydia Wanjiru, Susan Wakuthii; the fourth has not yet been identified. The deceased, Peter Mwangi Gichobu, taxi driver, died in an accident on the Nyangati-Embu road a month ago.

The four women who went to Kirinyaga County Funeral Home quarreled over the body of the deceased, whom they considered to be their husbands. They had to be controlled by officers from the Kerugoya Police Station who intervened in the case.

The authorities of the Morgue, however, revealed that the death certificate would be given to relatives of the deceased, his uncle, Kanyekiini MCA, Harrison Ngiria.

They also promised the angry ladies to participate in the distribution of the wealth left by the man. We also learn that this 32-year-old man had a son with each of the women.

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