5 fascinating things about ladies’ bras

It is said that the bra, designed to enlarge the neckline, was created in the early 19th century. The bra-like device that gave a symmetrical roundness to the owner’s chest was obtained in 1859 by Henry S. Lesher.
Women tied and otherwise supported their breasts for literally centuries; the first brassieres may well have been from ancient Greece, where women wrapped strips of fabric across their breasts, pinning or tying them at the back. Despite that, there some interesting stories about women’s bras.
Five fascinating things about ladies’ bras
1. Origin of Bras

The modern bra originated in 1910 when 19-year-old Mary Phelps Jacob was planning her outfit for the upcoming ball. She chose a dress that emphasized her lush figure, but the corsets of that time seemed too tight. Instead, she asked the maid to bring her two handkerchiefs and a ribbon, creating the ancestress of a modern bra.
Ladies of high society flocked to young Mary, asking her how she could move and dance freely, and four years later, she was granted a patent for a “backless bra”. While Miss Jacob had historically received credit for inventing the bra, recent archaeological evidence showed that women had worn linen bras since the 1400s.
In the decades following Jacob’s brilliant stroke, the bra underwent a series of transformations. Notable among them is the creation of the model Wonderbra, designed in 1964 by Louise Poirier for the underwear brand Canadelle.
However, contrary to popular belief, the idea of a Push-up bra goes much further back. The first one was designed by Frederick Mellinger in 1946 and soon became fashionable in Hollywood, where he was praised as a “rising star”. In the whimsical realm, this does not cause much more scratching of the head than the “nipple bra” developed in the 70s, when visible nipples were considered the top of sexuality.
2. The Bra Strap

Besides being one of America’s greatest novelists, Mark Twain held a wide variety of positions, such as reporter, probation worker, and riverboat pilot. Also, he was an outstanding inventor, having received at least two patents in his life. In fact, his first invention brought him $50,000, which is not so bad, especially by 19th century standards.
Mr. Clemens’ creation was a new and improved clipping album. Twain loved to collect photographs and newspaper articles, but he was tired of applying glue to each clipping. Wishing to speed up the process, Twain invented a self-adhesive clipping album. The process included adhesive strips pre-glued to the pages. All you had to do was wet the sticky material, and voila, you were ready to go.
The most important achievement of Twain was an elastic strap, designed to protect free clothing from falling. With a convenient clasp, the belt protected “vests, knickers, or other items of clothing” from sagging. The device was also removable, so when changing clothes, it could be removed from one pair of underwear and fastened to the next.
Billions of people still use the invention of Twain, but it is not removable and not on vests. The man who wrote, “Tom Sawyer,” approached the bra with an elastic clasp on his back.
3. Bullet Bras

An anomaly, which the world hopes will remain limited to the end of the 1940s and 1950s, bullet bras were everywhere for several years. Sharply pointed bras were worn by all well-dressed women, and some models were hazardous enough to knock out an eye. The bullet bra became a must-have accessory for classic pinup girls of that era.
More commonly known as the Chansonette bra, the bullet bra appeared at Frederick’s of Hollywood and soon became a fashion icon. Part of the bra’s popularity was due to World War II and the restrictions it created on nylon fabric; spiral stitching and various fabrics made the brassieres stiffer and sharper.
The bullet bra disappeared into the limelight in the late 1950s with the advent of a softer, more gender-neutral fashion of the 1960s. However, it did enjoy a revival of popularity thanks to the 1990 Madonna “Blonde Ambition” image.
4. Expensive underwear

An inspired collection of Angels from Victoria’s Secret, this fantastic bra is really sent from heaven. The Fantasy bra is the embodiment of Victoria’s Secret Angels with a dazzling and airy design, like the wings of an angel.
This creation includes 2900 white pave diamonds in 18K white gold weighing 112 carats. The centerpiece of this one and only design in life is a stunning 70-carat flawless pear-shaped diamond.
5. Tight bras can cause Cancer

In recent years, healthcare professionals and medical commentators have expressed concerns about the possible connection between bones in brassieres and other formative clothing and the increasing incidence of breast cancer.
The idea was that unnatural, focused wire pressure on breast tissue-restricted the flow of lymphatic fluid – the second primary fluid system of the body – through lymph nodes and transport ducts. Just as a decrease in blood flow causes oxygen starvation, a reduction in lymph flow was thought to delay carcinogenic toxins in breast tissue.
However, studies have shown that there seems to be no connection between stone use and lymph flow, and of course, there is no known connection with any type of cancer.
+ Wallet

Another utility of the bra is to protect your valuables, and it just works. Just add a few notes and put them inside the bra. I’m sure I don’t need to explain to the ladies how to do it!
You can just use a stash bra, which is secretly attached to the bra on the body side. The bra secret hides and protects money, passport, keys, credit cards, and more. It is made of comfortable soft microfiber material. Feel safe from thieves while traveling or spending the night in town.