5 predictions of Blind mystic Baba Vanga for 2021

Which country will become the world leader, and what kind of war will humanity expect in 2021? According to the blind mystic Baba Vanga’s predictions, she gave an incomplete picture of the new world leader and things that will happen in 2021.

Five predictions of blind mystic Baba Vanga for 2021

5 predictions of Blind mystic Baba Vanga for 2021
Blind mystic Baba Vanga, whose real name is Vangelia Gushterova

Baba Vanga, whose real name is Vangelia Gushterova, became blind at the age of 12, died in 1996 but left behind predictions for many years ahead. Many are sure that the woman predicted 9/11 and Brexit and predicted a kind of “plague” in 2020. Afrinik found out what events, according to the visions of the Bulgarian fortuneteller, await humanity in 2021.

1. A cure for cancer

Cure to Cancer
Cure to Cancer

One of Baba Vanga’s brightest predictions for 2021 was the invention of a cure for tumors. According to the clairvoyant’s vision, this will be a new way to treat the disease. Vanga predicted that researchers should make a real breakthrough in 2021.

Nevertheless, modern psychics claim: Vanga’s predictions rarely had an exact date. The soothsayer could not know when exactly her prophecy would come true. Those who believe in Vanga’s gift believe that the prediction of the appearance of a cure for tumors may come true in the next few years.

2. Demographic crisis

Demographic crisis

If in 2020 Vanga predicted an epidemic, then one of the main problems of Russia in 2021 was the demographic crisis. The Bulgarian fortune teller saw that the number of residents of the country would decline especially dramatically in the first half of 2021.

Modern astrologers also confirm Vanga’s prediction about the population decline in Russia in 2021. During this period, the ascetic planet Saturn will enter the sign of Aquarius – the ruler of Russia. This combination will force the country to abandon the surplus and resort to asceticism. However, in the second half of the year, the country will reach a plateau in terms of demographic loss.

3. Military threat from the East

Publication on French newspaper
Publication on French newspaper

However, the blind mystic also predicted that in 2021 there would be an exacerbation of the religious conflict in Europe. The Bulgarian who lived in the XX century called Europe the ‘Old World’ and could not know exactly what path further history would take. But according to Vanga’s prediction for 2021, Europe should prepare for a military invasion of Muslims.

This prediction of Baba Vanga for 2021 has every chance of being true. In 2019, the conflict between believing Muslims and Europeans reached a new level, and the reason was another caricature of the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

The publication is known for its scandalous cartoons on events, religion, and also historical figures. Among the “heroes” of the publication was even the son of French President Nicolas Sarkozy Jean. However, images on Muslim themes caused a resonance. Because of one such article, terrorists attacked the newspaper’s editorial office in January 2015. Four employees of the publication were killed. However, the newspaper was not closed.

In 2020, the authors published a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad. The drawing was shown in the lesson by a French teacher, after which a Muslim killed him. The public was divided into two camps. Some believe that the French need to treat other people’s shrines with understanding. Others are convinced that there is no excuse for the murder. It is highly likely that in 2021 the conflict will continue, and Vanga’s prediction will come true.

US decline

US flag
US flag

Vanga predicted that 2021 would not be easy for the United States. The soothsayer believed that the end of US dominance in the world would come and predicted that the “red dragon” would take the leader’s place. Even though the red dragon is an oriental symbol, Russia can become the successor of the United States on the world stage. Experts note that the Chinese 100 yuan banknote and the five thousand Russian ruble banknote are red.

Nevertheless, the Celestial Empire was the first to “get sick” from the coronavirus and was the first to come out of quarantine. Prior to this, Beijing was spoken of as an example of an economic miracle. The country managed to lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, and exports increased hundreds of times. Financiers ignorant of Vanga’s predictions for 2021 suggest that China may become the new No. 1 economy in the post-coronavirus world.

Natural disasters


One of the most disappointing predictions of Vanga was her words about natural disasters in 2021. The soothsayer believed that during this period, the world would experience not only outbreaks of epidemics but also natural disasters. These will include earthquakes and floods. With the present flooding, forest fire due to heatwaves, happening around the earth, but the only calm place on Earth, as Vanga’s prophecy says, will be Russia.

Vanga predicted that Russia would become an important participant in the global political arena. The soothsayer believed that Russia would rise from her knees and take the leading role in the world. “Experts believe that the woman could simply be mistaken, or her prophecies were misinterpreted.” After all, earlier Vanga predicted the extinction of Europe in 2016 and the Third World War in 2010. Fortunately, these “predictions” did not come true.

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