6 tips to help you negotiate with anyone

It can be difficult for you to negotiate with people and compromise. The right words are not always found; besides, emotions do not help conduct a constructive dialogue. And sometimes, the interlocutors refuse our proposals for reasons that we cannot explain. We found 6 tips that will teach you how to negotiate with people and help you come to a compromise and understanding.

How to negotiate a deal

Listen actively

To learn how to negotiate with anyone, you need to acquire the skill of active listening. This means that you need to give your interlocutor your full attention and remember what he is talking about.

Unfortunately, often we are so puzzled by our affairs and problems that we immerse ourselves in them, even when communicating with someone.

To truly understand and hear the interlocutor, you can pause, for example, after he finishes. You can repeat some of what you did not understand from the conversation, clarifying the incomprehensible points. Or repeat the key things from the conversation to clarify whether you correctly grasped the flow of the interlocutor’s thoughts.

This way, you will show your interest in the dialogue and increase the chances of reaching an agreement. Many people will be pleased to understand them, and they will more easily compromise.

Understand the problem and suggest solutions

To find a solution that everyone will like, we need to see the problem from different perspectives, not just our own. The next step is to brainstorm and evaluate potential ways forward, even if they are unclear.

To agree, you need to find out where the interests of both parties coincide. Then you can find a solution that benefits everyone.

For example, if your boss says he can’t give you a 5% raise this year because it’s capped at 3% for everyone, think of another creative way to achieve your goal that will benefit the boss as well.

Perhaps you can ask him to create a year-end bonus tied to achieving specific goals or metrics that are critical to the success of your department. Or maybe this is a good opportunity to start a promotion conversation.

The more you focus on solving the problem and suggest ways to solve it, the easier it will be for the interlocutor to compromise and agree with you.

Pay attention to body language

When you’re trying to negotiate with someone, paying attention to changes in the other person’s body language is helpful. This will provide valuable clues about what he is thinking or feeling. If he begins to frown, wrinkle his forehead, or cross his arms, this could be a sign of disagreement with what you are saying.

Also, be mindful of your body language and facial expressions. They should be neutral. Keep your arms at your sides, maintain eye contact, and smile lightly when appropriate.

Learn to argue your words

To reach an agreement with someone more efficiently and faster, it is necessary to find arguments and present them in such a way as to get a positive response. Show the other person why they need to agree with your proposal using reason and persuasion.

For example, if you are negotiating a promotion, you need to convince your manager that your skills are important to the company’s success. Give an example after analyzing your work: “My social media skills helped this company grow its customer base by 20%. Another project surpassed our forecasts for the share of clients by 53% and caused a 15% increase in sales per month. “

Agree; this is much more convincing than the statement, “I am good at managing social networks and projects.”

So in other agreements – prepare arguments and only then start a conversation to find a compromise and a solution.

Storytelling is also an effective way to persuade.

Learn to communicate succinctly

Many of us tell too much information to the interlocutor when we agree on something. This is because they are nervous or do not think through the reasons and arguments in advance.

When someone asks you a question, focus on answering it rather than adding comments.

For example, if you are taking time off from work, you shouldn’t explain for a long time why you need an extra day off and why it is so important, especially if you were not asked about it. And when trying to agree with a partner, do not remember the past mistakes and do not turn the conversation into a long monologue about what he is wrong.

The fewer words we spend explaining our position to the interlocutor, the better he will understand us and decide without being distracted by extraneous nuances that can confuse and radically change his view of the situation.

Don’t try to be perfect

If you agree with a person who uses difficult terms, do not hesitate to ask him questions and explain difficult points. Or when a friend is trying to arrange a meeting with you at a bar, and you are tired and agree to a maximum of a meeting in a quiet coffee shop, be sure to tell her about it.

It is easier to agree with the interlocutor when we do not seem ideal in everything. It fosters empathy and humanity towards us. Just do not use such a technique too often and actively manipulate in this way – such behaviour, on the contrary, will not lead to an agreement. The main principle of rejection of ideality is, to be honest and open to the one with whom you want to agree on something.

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