8 life situations that annoy many people, but they are silent about them

Each of us is annoyed by something in this life. This can be any situation. An adverse reaction to her is pretty normal. Of course, it is better to learn how to manage your anger, not suppress it, because it is harmful.
8 real-life situations that annoy many people
people who don’t keep order
Tina is 30 years old, and she is annoyed by the photos people choose as their avatars on the social network. But she does not even consider them, but the background on which the pictures were taken.
Let’s say a girl in beautiful clothes and with make-up does not hesitate to show herself with shabby furniture and a mess behind her back. And a guy who dreams of meeting an adequate girl is photographed with dirty windows and a peeling battery in the background. Dirt, old wallpaper, scattered things … Is this a good background for photos?
Smoking companies
Micheal, 25, does not smoke and has never tried it. Even from the institute, he is enraged when the company goes on a smoke break together, leaving him in the room himself.
Upon his return, everyone laughs, charged with some good joke, but he sits and does not understand the matter. At such moments, out of annoyance, he wants to become a smoker, like everyone else.
People who delay the queue at the checkout
28-year-old Rita considers herself phlegmatic, but there is one situation that annoys her incredibly. It happens that shoppers at the checkout treadmill with full carts in place while their goods are pushed, instead of immediately folding them or taking out the card/cash.
And only then do they go to get their wallet and begin to slowly pack their purchases as if there is no one behind them. Why should the whole queue wait for this person to empty the cashier? He detains everyone, and this cannot happen but anger!
Relatives demanding money
Jane is 42 years old. She emigrated to the United States and paid for her studies on her own, working two jobs. Her earnings fall short of the middle class, but her family back home believes she is now obliged to send her large sums of money every month. Or a bribe to my sister because she failed the exam, or to her uncle for a car or repairs …
But no one helped her with the move and education. In addition, relatives constantly tease Jane, telling her that she will give up everything and how cute she will come back one day. Why should she work for them alone?
Duty to be polite anytime, anywhere
35-year-old Charles wonders why he should always be polite with everyone? Why can’t he tell the interlocutor that sweat stinks from him or that he needs to freshen his breath with chewing gum? Why can’t he ask the stranger to move away from him and keep his distance when talking?
Why can’t he remark a chomping person, someone who talks too loudly, laughs, or watches a video without headphones? Why, if these things make someone else feel uncomfortable, should he keep silent out of politeness?
The habit of not finishing what you started
Helen is 27 years old. She quickly lights up with some idea and also quickly cools down. For example, she will see how resin products or handmade candles are made, stumbles upon sewing and knitting courses, and immediately wants to repeat or enrol in courses.
Moreover, she finds out the prices, cost of materials, and where you can learn, but that’s all. Helen already knows how to do many things in her head, but she did not finish a single business. Irritates itself!
Double standards
Sophia, 24, complains that talking on the phone on public transport is considered uncivilized. That is, if students discuss their homework on the way home, this is normal. Suppose a husband and wife argue over children or shopping, too. If a guy and a girl share their impressions of the movie they watched, no one will say a word to them.
But if you do the same thing, but on the phone, they will immediately look askance – it’s indecent. What’s the logic? Then either everyone should drive in silence or not bother people talking on the phone.
Own spinelessness
Mia is 30 years old, and, according to her, she has no sense of pride at all. Often having quarrelled with someone, she is the first to come to terms, even if she was offended more or right. But no one ever apologizes first to her. The girl is enraged by her spinelessness and feeling like a “rag.”