7 psychological reasons why we get into toxic relationships

For some reason, we attract toxic relationships. It’s all about our subconscious, as well as the experiences we’ve had in the past. Unfortunately, toxic relationships do not provide us with anything other than a less than pleasant life experience.

Reasons we get into toxic relationships

1. A portrayal of a family

We often take our family’s relationship experiences for granted and engage incomparable ones. People who grew up in a dysfunctional household are more likely to meet and remain with toxic partners for an extended period.

If the father acted in this manner, it might seem that a partner’s arrogance is natural. Or that the existence of continual disagreement or criticism from a spouse is not a “red light” that should prompt us to consider how much moral damage the relationship causes us. To get the latest stories, install our app here

2. Our highest level of quality

It’s simple: toxic relationships are drawn to our most acceptable characteristics because they are straightforward to control. Honesty, loyalty, the capacity to forgive, and trust may all go against us at times.

We’re not talking about the necessity to repress one’s sentiments and harden one’s heart. It’s critical to notice when individuals begin to use them and make timely steps to help counteract this. To get the latest stories, install our app here

A toxic relationship, for example, may constantly lie to us. We may forgive our partner and attempt to rebuild connections after the facts of falsehoods are disclosed. However, if these falsehoods become routine, we might conclude that our partner has no regard for us. Even if we discover a partner in the future who can form a good connection with us, we may acquire trust difficulties that will come in the way.

3. The rescue complex and listening skills

Being a good listener is a difficult skill to master. This, on the other hand, is a “magnet” for toxic relationships. He will say anything he wants and boast as much as he wants about his achievements. You will “absorb” what he says, back him, and eventually lose the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehoods since you know how to listen.

When we are in a toxic relationship and feel that our spouse needs continual assistance, we listen to their difficulties. It takes time to realize that we may be used for our ends.

Another issue is the rescue complex, which occurs when we pay too much attention to other people’s issues and strive to assist them in any way we can while neglecting our own needs. This complex was discussed in further depth here. To get the latest stories, install our app here

4. Non-conflict

While attempting to avoid confrontation isn’t always a negative thing, it is sometimes why we stay in unhealthy relationships. We frequently avoid discussing our sentiments and experiences because we are frightened of getting into a fight with our spouse. And our partner can take advantage of it.

Because of our tranquil demeanour, we may attract harmful companions. They understand how difficult it is for us to say “no,” even when necessary. And that, even if it leads to conflict, we will not dispute with him or set limits. To get the latest stories, install our app here

5. Uncertainty

Others may perceive our lack of self-assurance. For example, we may learn about ourselves by analyzing our body language and conduct in different settings. Uncertainty may also reveal itself in how we speak and what we say. To get the latest stories, install our app here

Self-doubt guarantees that toxic relationships will be able to manipulate and dominate us. This provides them with a feeling of advantage, which they will undoubtedly exploit.

We may lack the confidence to leave toxic relationships. Or to put it another way, to express how we feel and what we’ve gone through. Even when we know that a spouse is misleading or insulting us, we find it difficult to speak out for ourselves.

6. Generosity

Toxic individuals are used to receiving rather than giving. This is true in terms of both moral and economic considerations. They may be attracted to our generosity—our willingness to offer our resources and time to assist or support others. They want more the more we offer.

When we believe we will get anything in return, we must be giving. It might be a genuine “thank you” or a helpful hand provided when needed. They may, for example, listen, provide helpful suggestions, or empathize with us.

You will never get thanks or assistance from toxic companions. Generosity is seen as a given and a responsibility. However, if you cease investing sufficiently in a toxic person, his sentiments, like him, might vanish without a trace. To get the latest stories, install our app here

7. Loyalty and an unwillingness to let go

Toxic companions may easily dominate us if we find it challenging to leave individuals out of our life. They know we keep our commitments and speak our minds, so they prod us to express them.

You may have a spouse who is never there when you want assistance. Even when difficult for you, he may benefit from your compassion and giving. Or you may change and blame yourself for it, knowing how difficult it will be to say goodbye. To get the latest stories, install our app here

It’s crucial to be loyal in a relationship, but only if your spouse shares your values. It’s difficult to let go, but in the case of toxic relationships, it’s vital if you don’t want your life to be ruined.

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