7 technologies changing the world today for a better place

Almost every manufacturer introducing a new product to the market today says that it will improve the world when such lofty statements were made about certain IT technologies that did not contribute in any manner to the betterment of the world.

However, this resounding remark is not always spoken in opposition to a worthless product in order for marketers to promote a worthy cause. There are important technologies that will help to improve the world.

7 technologies changing the world today for a better place

1. Thermonuclear fusion will provide a massive quantity of clean energy to the Earth

Even though many environmentalists oppose nuclear energy, it is safer and more ecologically beneficial than fossil fuel power plants. Nonetheless, it is necessary to confess that it is not as excellent as it seems. It’s not even about the possibility of a disaster; the issue is the production of long-lived radioactive waste, which civilization has yet to dispose of adequately.

In terms of the quantity of energy generated and environmental friendliness, thermonuclear fusion will compromise everyone. However, unlike nuclear fission processes in nuclear power plants, thermonuclear fusion does not produce greenhouse gases or waste with a lengthy half-life. To get the latest stories, install our app here

Several programs are now underway to develop fusion reactors, the most well-known being ITER. If scientists can maintain plasma stability, humankind will be able to advance to a new level in the energy industry, fully eliminating the need for fossil fuels as a source of energy. As a result, land, water, and air contamination will be reduced.

2. Graphene, which will be used to replace a variety of materials at the same time

7 technologies changing the world today for a better place

Graphene is a carbon-based material with exceptional mechanical stiffness and thermal conductivity. This substance, which was found in the early 2000s and is currently one of the most promising, was discovered in the early 2000s. It’s possible that it’ll be used as the foundation for future nanoelectronics and eventually replace silicon in microcircuits. It may also hypothetically replace other materials such as steel. As a result, the extraction of particular minerals will be reduced, as will the harm to the environment.

According to scientists, graphene will enable the construction of high-efficiency water treatment facilities, the transport of energy across large distances with little loss, and the advancement of green energy in general.

3. Seabin Project for cleansing the oceans

7 technologies changing the world today for a better place
Seabin Project – Marine Business World

Humanity generates a tremendous quantity of waste, most of which ends up in the oceans. It has grown much more so with the outbreak of the pandemic and the need to wear medical masks. There is so much junk that it has collected in the Pacific Ocean, forming a massive mountain of trash the size of France. To get the latest stories, install our app here

Scientists have long been worried about this issue and are working to find solutions to help clean up the oceans. One of these techniques may be the Seabin project. In reality, it’s little more than a floating rubbish can. The water and debris travel through the top of the bucket and are filtered at the device’s bottom while the waste stays in the container. What’s more, it’s a simple and low-cost gadget that can gather up to 1.4 tons of trash every year. This includes bottles and other major trash and plastic fragments as small as two millimeters in diameter.

Seabin is now being tested in the seas of Portugal and the United States, with one gadget collecting about 10 kg of trash every day. The general construction of such tanks will enhance the ecology, at least in the coastal zone.

4. A chemical that corrodes plastic will help in the disposal of masses of waste

There were no microbes that could decompose wood hundreds of millions of years ago, which is why the trees did not decay but gradually collected and created coal. Until recently, the situation with plastic was similar, but it is doubtful that rubbish dumps would help future generations. To get the latest stories, install our app here

Bacteria that adapted to feed on plastic were identified by Japanese scientists in 2016. Since then, scientists from several nations have identified a variety of bacteria of this sort. Scientists found the enzymes that manufacture these bacteria by examining microbes and synthesizing a material that breaks down plastic six times quicker than these creatures.

The advancement of this technology will allow for the destruction of massive waste piles in a matter of hours while causing minimum environmental impact in the future.

5. Biodegradable containers will assist in minimizing the amount of plastic in the environment

7 technologies changing the world today for a better place
Biodegradable containers – iStockphotos

Packages, in particular, harm the environment when it comes to domestic rubbish. This is because they are often composed of plastic, which takes hundreds of years to degrade. According to studies, even thin plastic bags would degrade in 100-200 years.

Some nations have already banned bags and plastic containers due to the negative consequences of mass manufacture. Is it preferable to take down trees to make paper containers, or is there a substitute for them? A plant-based container is one such alternative. To make bags and containers, this isn’t to say that you have to utilize grain that would otherwise end up in people’s meals. No, such containers are created from the by-products of food manufacturing, such as what’s left after the maize grains are separated from the cob.

And this kind of packing decomposes in a pretty short period of time, perhaps six months. Furthermore, they degrade into carbon dioxide, water, inorganic chemicals, and biomass without forming hazardous compounds when decomposed.

6. Artificial meat will help feed the world while reducing greenhouse gas emissions

7 technologies changing the world today for a better place
Artificial meat – iStockphotos

Meat eaters are commonly portrayed as heartless individuals who are unconcerned with animal suffering, but this is not the case. Instead, they would happily switch to meat, which was not a living entity a long time ago, but they did not have the option until lately.

Artificial meat, on the other hand, was just recently developed. Unfortunately, it is now prohibitively costly and only accessible to the rich. But think what would happen if we figure out how to produce such meat on a massive scale, bringing the cost down to at least the current level. In the food business, it will be a revolution. To get the latest stories, install our app here

The reality is that keeping animals consumes a significant amount of resources. This includes land, structures, food, and other resources. Furthermore, animal husbandry is nearly solely responsible for the saturation of the Earth’s atmosphere with greenhouse gases, accounting for around 14.5 percent of all emissions. Artificial meat will eliminate the necessity for such a massive cattle complex, and the world will really improve.

7. Carbon capture will be able to remove CO2 from the environment

7 technologies changing the world today for a better place
Carbon capture technology – iStockphotos

Despite taking significant steps toward environmental friendliness, the contemporary heavy industrial manufacturing sector continues to be the primary source of greenhouse gases and harmful pollutants. However, in 2017, an installation in Switzerland was completed that absorbs CO2 and converts it to fertilizer. To get the latest stories, install our app here

Similar projects exist in the United States, Canada, and other industrialized nations. In principle, such technologies placed in factories would help decrease carbon footprints to acceptable levels, if not zero. This will considerably lessen a person’s negative influence on the environment around him.

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