9 characteristics of a hypocrite

It is not an easy task to identify a hypocrite in someone’s behaviour. However, you have to do this at the very least to prevent yourself from gossip and unpleasant conversations. If you do not want to fall into the trap set for you by a hypocrite, you need to learn how to identify one when you see one in a crowd and figure out how to talk to them. Learn more about the characteristics that define a person as having two different sides.

1. A mismatch between words and non-verbal language

A contradiction between a hypocrite’s verbal and nonverbal communication is the clearest red flag that can be raised to expose their hypocrisy. This occurs when a person says things to you that are familiar but does so with a tense or dissatisfied look or when he or she performs certain actions with their hands or feet.

Body language is something that can reveal information that the person you are talking to is attempting to hide from you, and it is important to be aware of this.

2. Love of gossip

Despite psychologists asserting that gossip is a crucial inheritance inherited from our ancestors, there is little appeal. Apart from the fact that a flattering person never speaks well of those who are not around at the moment, he or she may start gossiping if he or she feels that it interests the person he or she is talking to. Such a habit can hardly be called attractive.

3. Bragging about knowing other people’s secrets

Hypocrites may boast of knowing other people’s worst secrets. Moreover, they may voice them to others to gain the attention of others. At the same time, when giving away someone else’s secret, the hypocrite will not feel shame or embarrassment.

4. Failure to keep promises

Hypocritical people are likely to lie. This can be seen in the smallest of things, or it can be seen in matters that affect the entire world. They act in this manner to gain the approval and respect of others around them in the short term. However, people rarely consider how they will respond to the realization that the promise will not be kept.

If you spend a lot of time with people who make promises but don’t follow through with them, you should be mindful of the possibility that hypocrites surround you.

5. Compliments that sound more like condemnation

Instead of emphasizing the beauty of your new blouse, a hypocritical friend will point out that it successfully hides your figure’s flaws. This and similar compliments leave an unpleasant aftertaste and are more like a disguised humiliation.

That said, sometimes flattery and hypocrisy can be hidden under a mask of benevolence. But it is still possible to identify it. As a rule, a flattering phrase is followed by a request.

6. Changing attitude when interacting with successful people

Hypocrites usually disrespect ordinary people, but they form close relationships with those in positions of authority. Not only does their behavior change, but so do their tone and the actions that they make.

The person’s voice may become sweet and too submissive, and their body will give off an air of being prepared to serve in any capacity.

However, while speaking with successful people, hypocrites frequently violate the personal limits of others and bring up things that are not appropriate to discuss, even with close friends

7. Boasting about their achievements

Hypocrites frequently boast to the people they know about their achievements to win their respect. However, to attract praise and respect, they often exaggerate the facts. In addition, they frequently point out in their stories how ungrateful the people who were helped by their exploits turned out to be.

This kind of action reveals that the individual did not act out of a desire to help others or improve themselves; instead, they did it to earn praise and boost their own sense of self-worth.

8. Low levels of emotional intelligence

One of the most visible characteristics of a lack of emotional intelligence is the tendency to cover up one’s genuine feelings. This problem frequently exposes hypocrites and people who cannot admit when they are in the wrong.

A hypocrite can also be identified by their incapacity to empathize with others genuinely. He can act compassionate, but it will not come across as sincere.

9. Being unable to accept responsibility for one’s own mistakes

A person’s incapacity to recognize and accept responsibility for his or her own mistakes is another sign of the tendency toward deliberate deception. He stays clear of it since he is concerned about people thinking less of him due to it. Because of this, arguing or having serious conversations with hypocrites is almost pointless because they are not honest. Staying away from them is preferable to trying to prove something to them because it will allow you to avoid pointless discussions about yourself.

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