This diet follows Chris Hemsworth to get into ‘Thor’ form

The Australian actor Chris Hemsworth has been playing Thor’s role since 2011 and has no fewer than seven ‘Marvel’ films on his record. To get the “divine” body of his character, the actor must follow a strict diet. His nutrition expert Sergio Perera now reveals what Hemsworth is playing in one day.

In an interview with fitness magazine Men’s Health, Perera explains what is on the menu for Chris Hemsworth when he is on the set. “Every morning Chris starts his day with a green ‘powershake’, which consists of five to six different types of leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fats and small amounts of sea salt to help keep his body balanced.”


At 10 o’clock in the morning, Chris makes time for a healthy breakfast. “Either that is now yogurt with berries, three eggs on a whole-wheat toast with Vegemite (well, he’s an Aussie) or savory oatmeal porridge with poached eggs. After that follows a workout and he drinks a shake.”


“For lunch, Chris opts for a ‘sesame-chicken-salad’ and rice, ribeye steak or grilled chicken. To keep all his muscles in shape, Chris must also continue to nibble in the afternoon – unfortunately not on chips, but on healthy crackers or beef jerky, which is full of proteins.”


And what about dinner? “Well, then he works white fish or grilled lamb chops. He also takes extra supplements. For example, Chris still takes magnesium or zinc supplements before bedtime. Moreover, he is also in the fitness for at least an hour every day.”

This diet follows Chris Hemsworth to get into ‘Thor’ form

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