Fear of corona: Naomi Campbell hermetically packs for air travel

Naomi Campbell would do a lot not to get infected with the coronavirus. And so the English model didn’t take half measures when she had to fly. Campbell complimented herself in a disinfection suit that included surgical gloves, a mouth cap, and special glasses. She shared this on Instagram.

“Safety first, Next level, watch the full video on my YouTube channel,” said Naomi, who posted a movie last year that shows how she thoroughly disinfects her first-class airplane seat. That video went viral and received countless acclaim. Campbell cleans everything that can be touched with disinfectant wipes, lies alone on her own brought blanket, and does not take off before everything is taken care of.

Although last year some laughs were made about Naomi’s fear or blemish here and there, her followers now see the purpose of it. “Where do I buy a suit like that? I want to wear this while traveling,” someone writes. “Wow, this gives me ideas. You’re absolutely right. On an airplane, you’ll run into something in no time. Besides, you look cool, too.”


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