Nigerians roast Desmond Elliot on social media for praising Emmanuela

The honorable representative, Actor, Film Producer, and Director, Desmond Elliot, has been going through the dust on social media for praising a 10-year-old comedian Emmanuella.

The actor Desmond Elliot is being roasted by the Nigerian youths on Facebook for his previous statement, where he addressed the Nigerian youths as “children”.

The Honourable has apologized for the statement: “I have read your honest feedback, suggestions and I sincerely apologize for addressing the youth as “Children”. I did not mean to be insensitive with this, it was borne out of the magnitude of destruction&looting of businesses I witnessed when I went on a tour of my constituency.”

Despite his apologies, the actor took to his facebook page to praise one of the Nigerian youngest comedienne Emmanuel for building a house for her mother.

Desmond posted that “Little girl comedian Emmanuella builds a very big mansion for her mother at this little age.” May God bless her in ways she can’t imagine. This is worth celebrating.”

However, that message didn’t go down well with some Nigerians on Facebook. Soon after he posted it, his fan begins attacking him from all angles.

Below are some of the comments:

Nigerians roast Desmond Elliot on social media for praising Emmanuela
Nigerians roast Desmond Elliot on social media for praising Emmanuela
Nigerians roast Desmond Elliot on social media for praising Emmanuela
Nigerians roast Desmond Elliot on social media for praising Emmanuela

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