Presidential election in Madagascar: the CENI lacks money

In Madagascar, a new blocking point is added to the organization of the presidential election. After the electoral laws that brought the opposition out on the street, this time it is a financial problem that could compromise the holding of the election in time.
It is missing nearly 17 billion Ariary or about 4.5 million euros (precisely 4,463,000 euros) to the National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) to organize the presidential election.
Still no date has been announced while the election is to be held this year.
The formation of a new government gave hope that the deadline was finally unveiled, but with this financial problem, the vagueness around the polling date may persist.
The law of finance has provided a budget of 40 billion Ariary for the organization of the election.
It is insufficient said the chairman of CENI. Hery Rakotomanana, president of the CENI, confirms that it misses about 17 billions of ariary.
The reason for this lack is explained by the adoption of new electoral laws which generates additional expenses in the organization of the poll. Among other things, it is necessary to set up 5,000 new polling stations.
Can the presidential election be held on time? At the end of May, the High Constitutional Court had demanded that it take place during the dry season. It must therefore take place before the end of November.
“The CENI has already proposed a polling date to the government. It’s up to them now,” Hery Rakotomanana added.
It remains to find the money. The CENI has two types of funding to organize this election namely the State of Madagascar and donors. A meeting with them is “scheduled for Friday,” says the president of the CENI.
The Ministry of Finance says that discussions took place last weekend to find a solution. There will be a new contribution from the Malagasy State, but its amount, which must be entered in the budget law of rectification, is not yet known.