Activist Kemi Seba returns to Guinea after 3 years ban under Alpha Conde

After being declared Persona non grata in Guinea for three years ago, the Franco-Beninese activist, Kemi Seba, is welcomed this Monday in Guinea. The activist fires his first shot to Alpha conde, saying: nothing lasts forever. Opportunity for him to opine on the political situation that this country is going through.
An almost triumphalist Kemi Seba stepped on Guinean soil this Monday, October 4, 2021, three years after being banned from the country, then led by Alpha Conde. Invited by the musician turned political party president, Elie Kamano, the famous activist rallied the Guinean capital in the afternoon. This time, the political context has changed, and the signals are green for the seminal pan-Africanist.
And as usual, Kemi Seba spoke about the political situation in Guinea: “Emotion! The first seconds I spent treading this Guinean soil, the soil of Sekou Toure, a land of primordial African resistance, a land of dignity (…) It is a beacon of pan-Africanism. And by the mission of life which is mine and which is that of all those who follow me in the world, to be present in Guinea, it is more than pride,” he launched, at first.
And without citing the name of Alpha Condé, he continues: “I have always said that nothing is eternal except God. And those who think that they can forbid their brothers and sisters to set foot on the ground when they defend the right to human dignity are wrong.”
“The proof is that three years ago, I was arrested by the military and expelled. And three years later, the person who arrested me is no longer there, and I can set foot on Guinean soil. It should be a reminder of humility for the population as a whole ”.
And then, he expands on the reason for his presence in the country. “I came to see for myself the different mechanisms of the current system and make sure to accompany a better change for Guinea in our own way because the change of Guinea is the change of Africa.”
“There is a change happening all over the place. You have seen what is happening in Mali. You have seen what is happening in Guinea,” said Kemi Seba.
Since September 5, 2021, the soldiers, led by Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, have ended the third term obtained illegally and bloodily by President Alpha Condé. And since then, the junta, supported by the overwhelming majority of the Guinean population, has acted and gradually strengthened itself.
A new step was taken with the investiture of Colonel Doumbouya on October 1, on the eve of the country’s national holiday.