Coup d’Etat in Guinea: Alpha Conde refuses to resign

Last Sunday, Colonel Mamady Doumbouya overthrew Guinean President Alpha Condé. The now ex-head of the state refused to resign, and he is in Kaloum, in a branch of the Special Forces which launched the coup.

This place is located one kilometre from the Presidential Palace and a stone throw from the National Assembly. However, Alpha Condé refused to sign any resignation, according to Jeune Afrique.

Moreover, Condé refuses all the dishes served to him by the putschists. He only eats meals prepared by his personal cook, who has been made available to him. According to the media, Condé consulted his doctor, Colonel Kaba, the day after the coup.

Keep miners on board

Guinea will seek to avoid scaring off its bauxite and iron-ore minerals miners after the coup that brought Colonel Mamady Doumbouya to power. Mining majors include Rio Tinto, Rusal, Alcoa and Chinalco.

The new leaders will be “very keen to consolidate relationships with what are very significant contributors to fiscal income and foreign earnings in Guinea,” says Simon Hudson-Peacock, mining investment analyst at S2 Research in Cape Town. “It is possible that the tax regime may be revised, but expropriation is unlikely.”

Financing large projects in the country will be harder in the short term as the country’s risk profile will be raised, Hudson-Peacock says.

The country has few significant foreign currency earners outside of the mining sector, he adds. “The new leaders would be short-sighted not to take a financially pragmatic approach to the ‘golden goose’.”

ECOWAS mission postponed

This Thursday, the high-level ECOWAS mission was to land in Conakry in relation to the Guinean crisis born from the coup d’état of Alpha Condé by Colonel Mamady Doumbouya. Eventually, this mission was postponed.

Led by the president of the ECOWAS Commission, Jean Claude Kassi-Brou, the said mission was postponed until tomorrow, September 10, 2021, reports Africaguinée. This mission will be composed of the foreign ministers of Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, and Burkina Faso.

As a reminder, yesterday, at the end of their extraordinary summit, the leaders of ECOWAS decided to suspend Guinea from all its bodies with immediate effect. Consequences of the dismissal of Alpha Condé, overthrown on September 5, by a coup d’etat. Also, ECOWAS demands the immediate release of the ousted President of Guinea.

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